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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • The benefit of the doubt logic here Is as follows:

    Mozilla thinks that the ad supported model of the web is essential to continuing to function.

    Mozilla knows that the vast majority of installs have an adblocker installed.

    In order to keep the ecosystem healthy they’re exploring ethical advertising options.


    The vast majority of their income comes from the largest advertising company in the world - alphabet.

    They need to be seen to at least make some efforts to not murder the advertising model through their mere existence while not pissing off the community too much.

  • whereisk@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    18 days ago

    See how much an exploit for iPhone vs Android will run you in the open market.

    Also how fast a discovered security hole will be patched and distributed to the fleet between the two systems.

    Most Android phones will never get a patch, some will get it 6 - 12 months later and very few within the month.

    Also one is run by an advertising company.

  • Exactly. The calculus for taking risks is vastly different when there’s a safety net. You can treat it as a game and go all in.

    On the other hand if there’s even a small chance of losing housing or getting in legal trouble or your family being destitute you take no risks - if you are a person with a sense of responsibility that is.

  • To be fair, Jews were also massive victims of empire and colonialism. They were kicked around Europe for centuries since the Greeks and the Romans.

    Now, on the fall of the Ottoman Empire all kinds of populations coalesced into nation-states (also, all while kicking out people that did not identify with the new nation - massive population exchanges at the time, millions of dead in forced marches out of a region). Most back to the heartlands of their ancestral lands - so the idea wasn’t far fetched.

    Unfortunately, unlike those other populations Jews were in diaspora so long that they had kept little physical connection with that land which was now occupied mostly by Palestinians.

    Fun fact: A plan was hatched to allocate a portion of Australia instead

  • I’m not religious but I’m interested in religion.

    You are applying the Protestant framework (I can save myself) to Catholicism (only through the church can I be saved) hence why you invoke Bible as a final arbiter of what is and isn’t allowed.

    In the old churches (Catholic, Orthodox etc) “Canon” is a combination of early church fathers writings, tradition, the bible and pronunciations of the current head of the church. Furthermore in Catholicism the bible is largely treated as allegorical, not literal.

    Now since you are definitionally a sinner, and since salvation can only be obtained through the intermediaries of God: the church, being part of the church mysteries (baptism, communion, prayer, confession etc) is far more important than following any specific part of the bible.

    Praying to Saints is not considered a sin since you are under no misapprehension that you are praying to a god, or that they are anything more than humans that lived an exemplary life and are amongst God’s favourite children. It’s like asking the local lord for a favour - you are not confusing him with the king.

  • There’s a difference in stakes and impact and intent: the client firm is actively interested in finding security holes and the outcome of a negative security report does not (usually) directly affect the continuing operations of the business or impact on the personal reputations of the business owners their ability to conduct business, or how moral they’re perceived by society.

    A negative report here would be a devastating blow on Linus himself, his business is built around him and relies on audiences trusting him, it would also open up the door for legal action that could result in massive monetary damages and fines.

    I’ve had “independent” valuations and audits. I’ve seen how these firms work - and it’s not independent. They obey the people that pay them or they don’t get any work in the future from anyone else “that firm destroyed my business”.

    The most suspect aspect of the report is that they found nothing negative, everything was perfect. This on its face doesn’t ring true for any business I’ve ever seen, as well as how they responded to the accusations and how many people came out to accuse them.