True but since then Israel has done nigh to nothing to stop the creation of kibbutz in Palestine, and the occupation of land both in Gaza and in the West Bank, and Hamas has grown to pretty much erase any other political faction in Palestine. The PLO shrunk out of any international relevance since the death of Arafat and Israel is actually governed by the far-right. Alas! Everything went very wrong since the 90s.
Now, I am in no way expert in the subtleties of the political situation in Israel and Palestine, but it seems that the peace process in that region will always be doomed to fail.
Tracking stuff came as soon as you could communicate asynchronously with a server, really. It became widely known and a plague in the 10s but it started as soon as Ajax was available. Keep in mind that Google and most of the websites were free and ads driven almost from the start because that was the only way to create a critical mass of users.