This is basic. Try to have a good cup of something hot in the morning and do things like plant tomatos.
This is basic. Try to have a good cup of something hot in the morning and do things like plant tomatos.
My only surprise is they didn’t add nurses and doctors after that show of force went down, state wide, in Oregon this year.
He’s vile, no question. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, but you don’t rely on it or consider it quality.
Or we could tax people who make over $400k/yr. More so if you make over $10million (didn’t Warren have a plan for that at one point?).
Instead of cutting everything people who make less than $150k/yr rely on.
The GOP tells its party x y and z, they repeat it, believe it, even if it’s love of a billionaire immigrant who thinks American working class is lazy for wanting a 40hr work week and weekends.
Alternatively, liberals constantly fight amongst themselves, no consensus.
The pay it forward on this is mind blowing. Unsurprising, given that humans are involved, but even so.
Ethnic group experiences ethnic cleansing. Is forcefully given land by 2 countries steeped in colonialism and ethnic cleansing. Ensuing years is supported by those 2 countries and learns at their knees. Generation of those who experienced and saved those people from ethnic cleansing die. This generation engages ethnic cleansing on a new “other” with new colonialism vibes.
Which isn’t to say Hamas didn’t have assholes. The pattern though.
Good point, saying the quiet part out loud. There will always be That Guy from the low coping skills set who will try to make that argument.
True but it’s still love, or was intended be, just not that kind of love. Did you watch Jessica Jones? Did you not, initially, think there was a love interest thing between her and Trish until the actual relationship came out in dialogue? Because that’s how all our entertainment media traditionally presents love, and that’s a problem. The femiverse vibes of that show spun a bit more reality into that piece.
So much breaks when things are not reciprocated. It sucks.
Possibly landed in Hexbear. In combination with Spaz’s purge of all things Lemmy encouraging.
La Casa vs El hospital. What determines the gender of each? Spelling is great, but this piece boggles the mind.
The 1950s boom was built on two things. Subsidizing a middle class instead of corporate (awesome). And the notion that a mediocre white male was more valuable in any job role than a woman or a non-white male.
The 1950s was, in part, built on the backs of women sent home from jobs after the war to have those jobs taken by folks who may or may not have been less qualified, as it was based entirely on gender, and to lesser extent, color.
Woman’s minds were squandered. I encourage you to ask about grandma back in the day. How mean was she? How mentally I’ll was she? How many suicides or addictions occurred? The mean stories abound at this time for a reason. Alternatively there’s the paper thin personality-less woman who avoids anything even remotely confrontational.
Ask your family.
Equality before the law is introduced and a subset of men who don’t have coping skills for not having power over other human beings, lack capacity to stand as an individual, lose their collective shit.
Nah, it’s just this idea that being friends is bad. You need friends. I need friends. We all do.
It’s the onion and yet it sounds about right for him.
Most of health care seems to be holding their collective breath right now. Some of the surgeons are working more patients, anticipating awful things.
Remember, it sucks just as badly to be girlfriend zoned.
There’s a saying. Boyfriends may come and go but friends are forever. Siblings get the forever tag too ofc.
Lasting friendships of any gender pairing are always about personal chemistry sans anything sexual.
Well. Thank god for that, now nothing is wrong.
Maybe your number is 1 number off from Trump’s.
I don’t understand public proposals intentionally done before a crowd. Proposals at other people’s weddings are downright bizarre.
It was the year of the whistleblower deaths, that’s the answer.
I don’t like Bill Burr generally, but he’s spot on regarding corporate and Luigi. Corporate = modern mafia. There’s less “whacking”, as he calls it, because we’ve made most of their shenanigans legal. But, corporate (neo-Mafia?) will still “whack” a rat.
This particular pic makes me think it’s an ad for a new BBC Jane Austen or other classic period piece production. No, it’s current events.