I started working in a fast food kitchen 2 weeks ago and it’s physically stressful so far. I do a lot of meal prep which includes a lot of chopping, carrying, and cleaning. Being on my feet for ~7 hours a day is slowly taking a toll on me and I really want to take preventive measures for long term problems that come with it. My right thumb is numb as I type down this post at 1am because I somehow woke up before 4:30am.

For a little background, this is my first official job where I’m being paid actual money for my work. As per usual, I can’t quit because of finances and I like my coworkers and managers so far. I just want my body to cope with it better and I’m not sure how I should go with it. I was pretty sedentary before I started working. I wear comfortable non-slip shoes with orthotics to better support my arch. I also bought a muscle rolling stick to help massage my feet and leg muscles after work. I think the compression socks I recently got isn’t doing much so I’m going to invest in some Bombas socks soon. What else can I do to prevent breaking my body doing this job?

  • fracture [he/him] @beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    sleep with wrist guards on. the kind with the metal plates in em, that keep your wrist tilted back a bit. both hands. uncomfortable at first but easily the best long term investment for your wrists you can make (this applies for your thumb too, it’s all connected)

    the fact your thumb is going numb is pretty worrisome. if you can, baby it in the shower hot water and massage it. or alternate running hot and cold water on it (4 min hot, 1 min cold). stretch it, your wrists, arms and shoulders (it’s all connected). look up nerve glides and do those as well

    i went to wrist pt for a while, this is all stuff i learned from it. hope it helps, seems like you’re covered on feet/leg stuff

    • deo@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Sleeping with wrist guards really does make a world of difference. And maybe there is some way to do the repetitive tasks in a more ergonomoc way? For example, I crocheted a couple of pieces for friends’ weddings in quick succession out of very tiny yarn, and it destroyed my wrists for several weeks after. Turns out, I’d been holding my crochet hook in a really stress-inducing way; I had just never had a reason to question my form until it started causing a repetitive stress injury. By just changing the way I held the hook, I started to see improvement almost immediately.

      • fracture [he/him] @beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        i actually dropped crochet because of the wrist issues (well, i got bored too, but still). do you happen to have a graphic of the different hand position you do for it? i dunno if i’ll pick it back up, but i’m curious nonetheless

        • deo@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          I used to hold it in the pencil position, but now i use the knife position example photo here. The pencil position requires you to use more thumb/wrist muscles, but the knife position helps me keep my wrist straight and use my forearm muscles more.

  • cyberdecker@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    A lot of great advice in this thread.

    Adding a note here about socks. Don’t bother with Bombas. They are fine, but no better than other generic socks you will find out there. I was all in to the hype of them too but after using them for a few years i found they don’t hold up any better than other socks. I wouldn’t consider them an “investment”.

    Now, if you want to invest in a sock, consider getting Darn Tough. They are more expensive, however their wool and synthetic socks are pretty solid. I find they hold up way better than my Bombas ever did, are much more comfortable, moisture wicking of wool is very good and, best part, if they fall apart, wear down and get holes, Darn Tough will replace them. They will have you send them back and give you a credit to get a new pair. Full credit. It’s fantastic. Highly recommend.

    • marin♡ @beehaw.orgOP
      1 year ago

      I’d love some Darn tough socks too but they’re made of wool and I’m an ethical vegan so it’s pretty much out of the picture. I saw that they only had a few selections for synthetic socks 🥹

      • cyberdecker@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Even the synthetic ones are great. Your options for colors are a bit more limited but the quality is still good. Would still recommend those over Bombas. I was disappointed in the Bombas quality and found myself having to buy them more often due to wearing down quickly.

        Ultimately I hope you can find what you need! All the best to you, friend!

    • spencer@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I recently started a similar service job and compression socks sold at outdoors stores do a great job at preventing the aching.

  • DJDarren@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    As others have said, there’s always an adjustment period, and before you know it you’ll be doing it without even thinking about it.

    When I started at my current workplace five years ago, I was out of shape after spending almost ten years either at uni, or in a succession of office jobs. So going back on my tools as a welder was a massive shock that I wasn’t really expecting. But suddenly, six months or so in, I realised that I was finding the work much less physically demanding, which felt really gratifying. I wasn’t fit by any means (I never have been), but fit enough to do the work.

    Then, 18 months ago I got promoted to a desk job, and I’m fat as shit again. I’d be fucked after a day back on my tools.

  • forestG@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Placing orthotics bellow your arches is very harmful in the long term. In general you shouldn’t prevent your foot doing what it is designed to do (big heel drops, fat soft shoe soles, orthotics) unless there is a problem (read injury) and only temporarily (until you recover). So are narrow toe-boxes in shoes, your toes should be able to move freely and naturally. If they can’t, the restriction will create irreversible (read: even surgery won’t completely fix what they cause) problems, that mess up all the bio-mechanics of the leg. I wish I knew this when I was younger, working 8-10-12 hour shifts (yeah, I know), as a waiter/barman.

    Btw, it might sound counter-intuitive, but proper running, relaxed and a little each day (even as little as 10 minutes) can help getting your legs stronger, relieve stress, restore fascia (without stretching, static stretching never ever worked well for me) and keep it flexible and strong, reset nervous system firing patterns on your shoulders (moving your hands like you do in running with the proper form is way more effective than PT exercises like trap-3-raises for the traps) to counter balance the amount of time you spend looking down, help re-align your spine, and pretty much invigorate your whole body.

    But most importantly, rest and eat well. This will be the defining factor on whether your body will adapt and get stronger or not, and how long it will need to do it. We are supposed to be standing all day (not facing downwards though), your feet shouldn’t be the issue here, your neck & shoulders are the part that is assuming the unnatural positions for extended periods of time, so as often as you can break them and do some gentle full range of motion movements (a.k.a dynamic stretching) the better.

    Regardless, good luck with your new job! :-)

      • forestG@beehaw.org
        1 year ago


        Don’t think so… I don’t even wear shoes when I run anymore. Been letting the ground re-introduce proper running technique to my body and it’s been doing wonders at that. I am approaching 40 and had begun to think I 'll never be able to run without pain again, before I tried tossing the shoes. Now I actually enjoy running… I got some barefoot shoes, but I only wear them when I can’t be without shoes at all.

  • Rentlar@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Seconding the recommendation to S T R E C H and hydrate yourself, aim for minimum every couple hours. This will help keep your body in shape for longer no matter whether you work at a desk, standing, walking around a warehouse, a kitchen, a school, jobsite, WFH or whatever you do.

  • GBU_28@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    How’s your hydration? Poor hydration can lead to muscle cramping, among many other issues.

  • empireOfLove@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    There is always an adjustment period. I find after am extended time off from physical labor it takes me about 3 weeks to get fully used to it again. As you work more and more, your muscle tone will return and your cardio performance will improve.

    STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH! you might think you stretch but you definitely aren’t doing enough. and it does wonders for keeping your muscles working. Stretch before you start. Stretch during breaks. Stretch when you quit and when you get home too. Yes it looks goofy but IT WORKS. Keep that shit loose before it gets sore and cramped. Look up YouTube videos on proper stretches and focus on legs and back.

    HYDRATE! You should be sucking water from a bottle constantly when sweating in a hot physical labor environment. You need to drink probably 3x or more your “normal” water intake, you should be peeing only light yellow on every break. You get dehydrated and you’ll feel like shit.

  • Adramis [he/him]@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    +1 for all the advice here, with one extra one: Make sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet. Your muscles are getting torn up, and that’s good - that’ll make them grow back stronger! But only if you’re getting enough protein to build them back. I boil up 6 of these guys at a time and pop two a day for breakfast for just a little extra protein: https://food52.com/recipes/35930-momofuku-s-soy-sauce-eggs

    • marin♡ @beehaw.orgOP
      1 year ago

      As much as I’d love to have some soy sauce eggs, I unfortunately don’t consume eggs anymore. I’ll keep in mind to increase my protein though! That means more tofu soup in the morning :D

  • Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    I’ve been working in kitchens for about ten years. I was pretty much sedentary before I started too, and yeah, the first few weeks are the hardest, but you do get used to it. NGL it’s hard work though. It’s rough on your body, mind and soul. Good on you for taking steps now to look after yourself, I wish I had when I first started. Aside from @bermuda@beehaw.org’s advice, here’s some tips from an old line cook:

    If there are rubber mats in your kitchen (this is OHS in some places), stay on them as much as possible. Aside from the non-slip aspect, the extra bit of cushioning is easier on your knees/ankles than tiles/concrete.
    Other usual stuff like proper lifting technique.
    If you’re standing at a bench or grill for long periods try not to hunch over too much, it’s easy to do if you’re concentrating on what you’re doing.
    Alternate your posture by either bending your knees a little or spreading your legs a bit. Try not to stand flat footed for too long, and try to avoid keeping all your weight on one leg for long periods.
    A good sharp knife that fits your hand along with proper cutting technique will save your wrists/shoulders from a lot of strain.

    • marin♡ @beehaw.orgOP
      1 year ago

      I read your advice this morning and caught myself in bad posture several times today. Bending knees and feet apart were comfortable while doing all my prep work. I think I still need to work on my knife technique so I get a good use of my shoulders instead of depending on my wrist alone. I do always sharpen my knife though because nothing’s more frustrating than a dull knife. Thank you so much for this!

        • marin♡ @beehaw.orgOP
          1 year ago

          Thank you! I fortunately don’t have to work with animal products as much but the knife knowledge is always great to revisit

      • Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 year ago

        Good knife technique is in the wrist a lot, that’s why you need a sharp one. I watched a video years ago by Heston Blumenthal that helped me heaps. I’ll see if I can track it down for you.