The Atlantic’s McKay Coppins is out with the first excerpt of his highly anticipated biography of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), timed to the 2012 GOP presidential nominee’s announcement today that he will not seek re-election.

Why it matters: Romney — the only GOP senator to vote to convict former President Trump in his first impeachment trial — was brutally honest about his Republican colleagues over the course of two years of interviews with Coppins, a fellow Utahn.


  • On Jan. 2, 2021, Romney texted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to warn about extremist threats law enforcement had been tracking in connection with pro-Trump protests on Jan. 6. McConnell never responded.
  • Romney kept a tally of the dozen-plus times that Republican senators privately expressed solidarity with his criticism of Trump. “You’re lucky,” McConnell once told him. “You can say the things that we all think.”
  • Romney shared a unique disgust for Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who he thought were too smart to believe Trump won the 2020 election but “put politics above the interests of liberal democracy and the Constitution.”
  • He also was highly critical of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), who reinvented his persona to become a Trump acolyte after publishing a best-selling memoir about the working class that Romney loved. “I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J. D. Vance,” Romney said.

Zoom in: After House impeachment managers finished a presentation about Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, McConnell told Romney: “They nailed him.”

  • Taken aback, Romney said Trump would argue he was just investigating alleged corruption by the Bidens — the subject of House Republicans’ present-day impeachment inquiry.
  • “If you believe that,” McConnell replied, “I’ve got a bridge I can sell you.”

The bottom line: Romney said he never felt comfortable at a Senate GOP conference lunch after voting to convict Trump in 2020. “A very large portion of my party really doesn’t believe in the Constitution,” he told Coppins a few months after Jan. 6.

    1 year ago

    He’s outspoken because he knew his days were numbered and it didn’t matter anymore. It literally happens everytime a republican decides not to pursue reelection (or they have inoperable brain cancer). Suddenly they have a moral compass that was missing for decades of legislative work.

    Romney is a pussy just like the rest of them. Too little. Too late. If you helped build the colosseum you don’t get to suddenly pretend to be shocked that they are holding gladiatorial games there.

      1 year ago

      Compare and contrast to Jeff Flake, who also knew his days were numbered but did nothing on the way out. Most are Jeff Flakes so a Romney is better than nothing.

      Hell, an on-the-way-out-Republican brought us the the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex speech. Was it lip service on the way out? Sure, but it’s better than silently being complicit.

        1 year ago

        Oh some of them are vile shitstains and it doesn’t matter what their status is, they’re gonna be shitstains no matter what. Look at Lee Atwater. He was one of the founding fathers of the racist shithead GOP. Only when he had terminal cancer did he do an about face, claim to have found Jesus, and repent his many sins. But when he was dead and gone and they were clearing out his things they found his bible, it was still shrink wrapped. Dude must have had a crisis of conscience and wanted to either get right with his legacy or right with the lord. Whichever the case it was self serving bullshit.

        I think that Mitt is on the more tolerable end of American fascism, but that’s not saying much. He was still instrumental in getting us here. That’s his legacy and people like me will never let the true story be altered. It’s like all the pro bush sentiment that started circulating during trumps presidency. Just because he wasn’t functionally retarded like a certain president doesn’t mean he wasn’t a war profiteering criminal.

        You have to be careful about how people try to alter the narrative. Liz Cheney is another example of this. No one should be celebrating her because she had the smallest amount of common sense. Her actions have harmed millions.

          1 year ago

          I’m definitely not celebrating them, it’s so bad that lip service is refreshing from a group that is incredibly rotten.

        1 year ago

        The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex speech is a perfect counter example to your own point, because Eisenhower was the main drive to build the Military-Industrial Complex.

        He was the reason the buildup continued past WW2, and then even accelerated the buildup when he became president. Then on the way out he was all “hey guys, there’s this problem that I caused, I could have done something about it, but nope I’m out”.

        And there were already people talking about how the growing Military-Industrial complex was a problem.

          1 year ago

          Not a counter to my own point, I called it “lip service” for a reason. What you are mistaking as praise is me saying they are on the better end of the rotten bunch.

            1 year ago

            My point was, it’s never “silently being complicit” all of them are actively making things worse until they retire, then they’re “concerned”. But never concerned enough to help fix the shitthey actively worked to break.

              1 year ago

              Ok? I never said anything that it was marginally better than being silently complicit. I have no idea why you’re acting like I’m saying they actually did anything else worthwhile.

      1 year ago

      Romney has been outspoken about this from the beginning of trump’s rise. That was about 8 years ago, which included a reelection campaign.

        1 year ago

        Did he switch parties? Did he lead the charge in calling for impeachment? Look I get it the guys the best they have to offer. But I consider the entire group domestic terrorists so in my mind it’s like defending Bin Ladens best lieutenant because he volunteers at the pet shelter. Dude ur still putting on your Al Qaeda hat and showing up to work.

          1 year ago

          That’s your solution. Not his. He’s a conservative, not a liberal, so why on Earth would he switch parties? I don’t agree with the man’s politics, but as far as integrity goes, neither party can offer much better.

          1 year ago

          If you consider half of the country to be domestic terrorists, then you should probably go outside and actually talk to real people.

          I live in a very conservative part of Utah with a mixture of Trump supporters and Trump haters (something like 70-80% of my district votes Republican), and neither are particularly combative, even when I lament pretty much only having a single party to vote for. My family almost always votes R, and my parents ended up voting for McMullin in 2020 because they disliked Trump so much (but weren’t willing to vote for Biden). Most think the people involved in the Jan 6 riot were scumbags or at least an embarrassment.

          In my area, it’s generally the people on the left who are combative, which makes sense because they’re a minority who gets continually shafted by gerrymandering. I get it, the reverse was true when I lived in a majority liberal area and conservatives were the combative ones that always got shafted and liberals were the more down to earth people.

          So get out and actually talk to people. I have neighbors (again, pretty much all conservative) with progressive views about gay marriage (usually they’ll have a gay family member), trans rights (again, family member), etc. From my perspective, everyday conservatives just want to live their lives and largely ignore the political theater going on in Washington DC and whatnot.

          So please, get out there and actually meet some everyday conservatives. I hang out with conservatives and liberals, and we all get along just fine, outside of the months leading up to an election where things can get a little heated (esp. in 2016).

            1 year ago

            Do I think half of them are domestic terrorists? Well debatable, but if you vote R you support domestic terrorists. Again THESE ARE THE TERMS THEY PROUDLY USE TO DESCRIBE THEMSELVES.

            What’s the adage? If 9 people sit down at a table with a Nazi how many Nazis are there? There are 10 Nazis.

            Trust me, Utah is right leaning but it’s not quite the south, the Mormon influence is it’s own monster so I don’t know that you’ve got the full picture. I do actually live in the south and know these people well. I see it everyday. This is a cult, there are die hard members and then there are a whole lot of people that hold their nose and vote and publicly support said cult. Again, if you don’t speak out against Nazis, that generally makes you a Nazi supporter by default. It’s not hard. This should be easy. These people are self proclaimed terrorists. If you support and vote for them, that makes you at the very least a terrorist enabler. We have imprisoned people for far less.

            You need to stop making excuses for them. Call them on their shit. Get angry. Anything less is handing them the keys to the kingdom. I promise you if they get power one more time they won’t have to worry about losing it ever again. If you don’t believe that then you are probablyone of the people that said trump wouldn’t be that bad and to stop overreacting. You were wrong then, you’re wrong now. Any questions?

              1 year ago

              you are probablyone of the people that said trump wouldn’t be that bad

              Jumping to conclusions much?

              I argued with coworkers about Trump back in 2015 and 2016, and back then, most in my area didn’t like Trump. Look at the 2016 GOP primary results in Utah and you’ll see Ted Cruz (who has his own massive issues) beat Trump in a landslide here. Trump didn’t even get a majority of the votes in 2016, when GOP candidates usually win with more than 60% of the vote.

              My parents (not in Utah) are very conservative and refused to vote for Trump as well in both elections. I personally voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 (with McMullin, there was no way Clinton was winning) and Biden in 2020 despite Biden/Harris being my two last favorite Democratic Party candidates. I urged many people to vote either libertarian or independent if they weren’t willing to vote Democrat to at least show disapproval of Trump. I consider myself libertarian and actively debated other self-proclaimed libertarians about Trump, arguing that if you see anything good in Trump, you’re not a libertarian (accompanied with facts and whatnot). I have contacted state and federal representatives on key issues. The only things I haven’t done is join protects or run for office, and that’s because I have young kids that need my attention.

              Trump is not the GOP and does not represent the average conservative. He has a very vocal base, but they’re a small part of the actual party (and many when l are outcasts), and I firmly believe most conservatives are closer to Romney/McCain. However, he has had an uncharacteristic impact on the GOP, and the party is paying for it (Trump lost reelection, the GOP did a lot worse than expected in the midterms, etc). I expect the GOP to do poorly in 2024 as well.

              If 9 people sit down at a table with a Nazi

              I really disagree with this whole line of reasoning, but let’s try a slight modification as a thought experiment.

              If a Nazi sits next to 9 people at a table and they largely ignore the Nazi, does that make the other 9 people Nazis (i.e. are the others obligated to leave)? What if 9 people sit at a table with someone who has previously sat with a Nazi, but doesn’t actually consider themselves to be a Nazi?

              Trump isn’t a Nazi, at least in the white nationalist sense, but he does seek their support. So the GOP is like my first or second example, depending on which GOP member you’re talking about. Romney is like one of the above examples, except he vocalizes what others are the table are thinking by calling out the BS from the newcomer.

                1 year ago

                Trump is not a Nazi in the sense that he’s goose stepping and wearing Hugo Boss uniforms. Trump and the right wing extremists are every bit the neocon fascists of our time. Replace the swastika with maga hats and you have exactly the same presentation leading up to Hitlers consolidation of power. The same arguments floated around then. It won’t be that bad. They’re not going to do anything to the Jews. Ok so what if they have to wear stars it’s only fair because of what they did to our economy after the Great War. So what if they are moving them to relocation camps, it was our land to begin with.

                Fascism is not a chasm you leap over, it’s a series of small steps that starts with xenophobic nationalism and ends with concentration camps. No one starts out supporting Nazis but they can be convinced to give little concessions here and there. It’s always easier to swallow in small bites.

                I knew in 2015 if he won we were in trouble. All of that has come to pass and more . If they win again we won’t have to muse about whether or not they’re Nazis, we will find out quickly. They tried their version of a stupid beer hall putsch. Next time they won’t need to because all subsequent elections will be pre-decided. Rest assured trump was never my biggest concern. It’s the people who worked to put him in power and used his presidency to gut our institutions and sell our secrets to the highest bidder. As far as I’m concerned they are the biggest threat to our democracy and the world at large.

                Lots of people tell me I’m overreacting, I need to get outside. Unfortunately I’ve been right so far about everything. I screamed it from the rooftops since 2015 and before and in spite of all the people telling me to calm down, it just keeps going exactly how we fear it will go.

                  1 year ago

                  I knew in 2015 if he won we were in trouble

                  As did I, which is why I actively debated friends about him. My main concern was that he didn’t have a platform and instead was a populist, which is a clear recipe for disaster as it attracts the wrong sort of attention.

                  However, I still, to this day, don’t think he is a fascist. I think he’s dangerous and a fascist enabler, but I think he’s first and foremost a narcissist that just wants people to remember and praise him. He’s not like Hitler, who had a master plan, he just wants attention.

                  I think our institutions can survive Trump. However, if he somehow overturned the election, that would’ve set a dangerous precedent.

                  So I think we’re largely in agreement, I just disagree with the urgency. He tried to do something stupid and is now paying for it. Many of his supporters that were present in DC are now in jail, and he’s being tried on a variety of related charges. Things could’ve turned out differently, but they didn’t. And I don’t think they will, he just doesn’t have enough support.

                  But there’s no way I’m ever voting for him, and I have objected to him with friends (most of them conservative) every step of the way.

      1 year ago

      He’s outspoken because he knew his days were numbered and it didn’t matter anymore.

      Would you rather he go full MAGA?

        1 year ago

        I mean come on now. It’s like saying well yes he’s a registered Nazi but it’s not like he’s in the SS!

            1 year ago

            It would not matter to me. They’re all maga as far as I’m concerned. There are no more moderate conservatives. A moderate conservative is just a democrat.

              1 year ago

              So do you just have a cartoon-villain view of everybody who doesn’t agree with your politics? You can’t see the difference between Mitt Romney and Lauren Boebert?