• corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    There nothing about that joke that highlights, targets, or even references Mr Murphy’s race, gender, or any other protected biological attribute Mr Murphy possesses.

    Yes, it’s kinda mean. So much of David Spade’s humour is smirky mean-girls style that digs into the smallest bit of news and laughs at the person involved. We laugh, guiltily, at this caricature response to the bad fortunes or bad decisions of others.

    But it’s not racist.

    “A star is falling” is four words that, out of context and delivery, notes or laments what’s suggested is a celebrity whose apex is reached and is now trending back down. This happens to all celebs, and two have even gone onto a presidency while barely on that downward trajectory – good timing.

    It’s about as racist as pointing out a car driving past the house; without mentioning it’s green, a Chevy, or a pick-up truck, all which could be leveraged into a manufactured complaint about race, gender, economic station or education level; but which isn’t even that.

    Oh, look: a star accused another of being prejudice because he felt hurt over a comment.