• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    13 days ago

    This runs in parallel to tribalism and being part of an “in” crowd. Some people are so bound by their tribalism that they’ll stare at facts and cry that it’s not true because their tribe told them differently; they will reject the facts to continue to be a part of the tribe.

    To them, being “in” is more important than being right, or even being logical.

    Tribalism can take all sorts of different forms, from politics, to your local sports ball team. Even religion is a form of tribalism.

    When everyone you know is a part of the conservative/republican/christian/whatever tribe, even if you don’t agree with any of it, it’s difficult to face the consequences of being ostracized or excluded from the only tribe you’ve ever really been a part of, by following what your mind and heart actually believe. In time, you might actually convince yourself of the bullshit you have to say you believe, in order to maintain your status in the tribe.

    Tribalism is a survival trait. It’s what has divided us into nations, countries, states, provinces, cities, towns, etc. Looking back, if we need to do something that will screw over the survivability of the neighboring village, so that we can ensure the continued prosperity of our village, then the answer is yes, do it. It’s rewarded to be greedy and selfish in those circumstances.

    Tribalism in the form of villages and towns like that is basically non-existent today, so instead we divide ourselves along other boundaries for what tribes we partake in. Whether that’s religion, sports teams, political ideologies, conspiracy bullshit… It doesn’t really matter, the tribes are all still present, they’ve just taken a very different, more abstract form.

    All of the MAGA hats, Trump flags, big trucks rolling coal on “hapless” EV drivers… It’s all just parading around your tribes colors, announcing your affiliations so others will know (the same way that marine vessels sail under a countries flag, or an army marches carrying the flag/colors of a country or whatever). All this showboating is the same as a peacock trying to attract a mate. All these fancy colors, and not a hell of a lot more going on.

    They’re baboons waving their big red buttocks around so everyone knows their butt is more red than yours.

    • fuckingkangaroos@lemm.ee
      11 days ago

      That’s why the Kremlin uses tribalism to divide people through its social media disinformation (aka fucking up people’s cultures)