Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
The Fediverse is terrible at handling misinformation, maybe its biggest flaw. The budget is precisely $0 and it shows.
Misinformation shouldn’t be a main concern of the internet.
Whenever you go on the internet you should instead get a big “EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET IS A LIE” disclaimer in your face.
It’s easier to limit wrong information than how critical mass can understand information
It gives a false sense of trust. If you trust everything on the internet, you’ll trust everything on the internet.
Kind of. Limiting false information can’t reach an absolute point, so there’s always something to be not trusted so it will still cause less harm than a population not being able to discern falsehoods from an unlimited amount.