• FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Kind of confuses me cause like aren’t they in heaven now and now got pushed back to material plane? Or were they in stasis?

    The new testament is a bit confused on this - unsurprisingly, given it’s composed of several author’s beliefs.

    But the view that makes the most ‘sense’ (if one wants to imagine it’s just lore for a minute), is that everyone who dies enters an unconscious ‘rest’ (or ‘stasis’ as you say). And one day ALL will be raised for the last judgement. After which some are condemned to hell, and some to everlasting life on earth which has been transformed back to be like Eden.

    There are passages that all directly address this.

    The counter view (of which there is less support) is that upon dying believers are transported - awake - to somewhere called ‘paradise’ or ‘Abraham’s bossom’. So yes, they would be ‘yanked back’ from there. But as far as I can see, these parts of the Bible do seem to be more deliberately figurative. But who knows.