You are making me very tempted to go through your entire post history and start pointing out typos, but I’ll just go with this one five posts from the top where you forgot to put a period at the end of a sentence.
I guess you were worked up at the time.
(You also forgot an apostrophe, but I was trying to be nice.)
I too make lots of typos when worked up.
More so that my phone barely speaks English and I was out dong other stuff and didn’t double check before hitting send.
Oh, far less relatable then.
You are making me very tempted to go through your entire post history and start pointing out typos, but I’ll just go with this one five posts from the top where you forgot to put a period at the end of a sentence.
I guess you were worked up at the time.
(You also forgot an apostrophe, but I was trying to be nice.)
Punctuation is cool but if I make the separation of sentences that clear then it is readable and I don’t feel the need to correct that
There is no need to be standoffish, I was not making fun of the user above
That was obviously unclear to me and quite a few others. So maybe you should reflect on that. But something tells me you won’t.
It was not unclear to the poster, given their response.
When people tell you that you’re being rude, maybe believe them.
Hey we’re cool and all but
eat my ass, squid
It’s clear that you don’t know how to not be rude. How sad.