Well, that’s what’s wrong with their faces. When you all ask “Why do they look like that?” - that’s why, even the young ones. If they had their fillers all removed, they’d look like the fucking Crypt Keeper from the lack of muscles- don’t you think that’s kinda nuts? Now that you know what’s happening? Ever seen an emaciated arm from lack of use? That’s happening to their faces. And they are covering it with fillers. Ofc they look insane and dead
Well, that’s what’s wrong with their faces. When you all ask “Why do they look like that?” - that’s why, even the young ones. If they had their fillers all removed, they’d look like the fucking Crypt Keeper from the lack of muscles- don’t you think that’s kinda nuts? Now that you know what’s happening? Ever seen an emaciated arm from lack of use? That’s happening to their faces. And they are covering it with fillers. Ofc they look insane and dead