There’s a guide out there about what to do if you win.
Basically, tell nobody before you talk to a senior partner in a big law firm, get trusts set up for yourself and the people in your life so everybody is looked after and you can’t fall below a decent living wage even if you fuck the rest up. This also stops people hounding you for a slice and destroying your relationships.
Then there was stuff about setting up investments, and setting aside some spending cash.
Personally I’d want to put most of the “investments” into various mutual aid projects to build lasting social stability rather than using it to further the stock market, but other than that it’s pretty good advice.
Doesn’t matter, your life will be ruined either way by everyone around you that wants a piece of the pie.
Life pro tip: don’t win the jack pot. And if you do, keep it as much a secret as possible.
There’s a guide out there about what to do if you win.
Basically, tell nobody before you talk to a senior partner in a big law firm, get trusts set up for yourself and the people in your life so everybody is looked after and you can’t fall below a decent living wage even if you fuck the rest up. This also stops people hounding you for a slice and destroying your relationships.
Then there was stuff about setting up investments, and setting aside some spending cash.
Personally I’d want to put most of the “investments” into various mutual aid projects to build lasting social stability rather than using it to further the stock market, but other than that it’s pretty good advice.
and it’s altadena, which was recently the hub of some pretty big mutual aid efforts, so there’s a chance some of that might actually happen!
I’m not sure what the venn diagram of people into mutual aid and people who buy scratch tickets looks like, but I’d suspect it’s a small overlap.
But hey who knows, if this stuff is getting more popular traction then I might be wrong about that.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.