First-past-the-post voting is a hostage situation and should be treated like the crisis it is. Electoral reform at the state level will give the people the freedom to vote how they want. Who could be against that?
It’s funny to me how often we (I’ve been guilty of this) look at satire and think how amazingly they predicted the future, when they were really just commenting on their present and maybe extrapolating a little bit.
I wonder if Wag the Dog nearly mirroring the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal one month later counts.
This was from 2020
First-past-the-post voting is a hostage situation and should be treated like the crisis it is. Electoral reform at the state level will give the people the freedom to vote how they want. Who could be against that?
Videos on alternative voting systems
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
STAR voting
Alternative vote
Ranked Choice voting
Range Voting
Single Transferable Vote
Mixed Member Proportional representation
Truly a visionary
or a marxist. weve been through this shit before.
It’s funny to me how often we (I’ve been guilty of this) look at satire and think how amazingly they predicted the future, when they were really just commenting on their present and maybe extrapolating a little bit.
I wonder if Wag the Dog nearly mirroring the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal one month later counts.