Yeah they cast a lot of guys like Peter Graves and Robert Stack that normally appeared in the over-serious thriller type movies. So Leslie Nielsen was just one of that group of actors they cast to have guys deliver silly lines in that stern serious tone that they did in actual serious movies.
But of course Leslie Nielsen was amazing at it, and didn’t need to do those over-serious movies anymore. And don’t call me Shirley!
Airplane! lapped Zero Hour! so hard most people don’t know about the existence of the latter
TIL Airplane! is a parody.
It’s such a close parody that they actually secured the rights to remake it. Much of the dialogue is exactly the same.
Shit, I’m going to have to watch the original.
it also spawned the whole genre and although Leslie Nielsen made lots of movies before this, his legacy is this as well as the other parody movies
Yeah they cast a lot of guys like Peter Graves and Robert Stack that normally appeared in the over-serious thriller type movies. So Leslie Nielsen was just one of that group of actors they cast to have guys deliver silly lines in that stern serious tone that they did in actual serious movies.
But of course Leslie Nielsen was amazing at it, and didn’t need to do those over-serious movies anymore. And don’t call me Shirley!