Seen both Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher criticising Alisson for being clearly fouled during the game saying he needs to do better, both amongst others said the same about Gabriel when Joelinton pushed him into the goal with both hands. What is with the victim blaming from pundits, can’t exactly do much when someone fouls you

  • PandiBong@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s really time to realise that Neville and Carragher are not “experts” but simply two popular “football commentators” who know exactly how limited their analysis are. Thousands could do their job. What they have is a rich background in playing the game (meh) and that’s why they are there. They are also highly replaceable and they know it and are shit scared of being found past it, boring, or god forbid, cancelled. So they suck the party line hook, like and sinker. What would they do if they got sacked, honestly? They can’t coach. Go on talk sport? They know this is it and they got it made, they’d rather go out to Qatar (oops) and kiss the ring than make a statement and lose their jobs.

    I don’t mean this to shit on them, if you enjoy them that’s fine. But realise, hundreds of footballers retire every year and there are few jobs to be had. These two got the best ones out there but could be replaced with little annoyance in a minute if needed. They know it and are not about to put their jobs that they’ve worked hard to get on the line for anyone or anything.