This is, of course, an exaggeration of the both of them. Each has its own use case in which it performs better than the alternative. In truth, I use ubo as much as I use reader view :)

    10 months ago

    You’re not the first one to ask this and I’m tired so I’ll just slightly edit my other comment. Only read bold parts if you’ve read that one.

    where it makes sense

    Firefox has a built-in function that checks if the extractable text from the website is “acceptable” and will decide whether to display the button. I don’t think the result of this function is available to extensions but you should ask Firefox devs, maybe add an enhancement request.

    You can trigger it everywhere using


    You can use another trick: bookmark about:reader?url=%s and add read as its keyword (only in Properties window, separate from “tags”). Then put read in front of any URL you want to view with Reader Mode!

    There is also an extension called Redirector, which can do this for you automatically. However, it is rather clunky: you must create a Regex pattern to match URLs that you want to be affected, and you’ll need to temporarily disable the extension to exit Reader Mode.

      10 months ago

      Unfortunately this doesn’t really work for me, the ideal use case is either have reader mode automatically enable where firefox thinks it should be able to (which is not always that accurate anyway)

      Alternatively I might look into making an extension that just has a whitelist of all the sites/domains to use it on that everyone can contribute to