Weirdly, even today, huge swatches of immigrants too. Legal AND Illegal.
Turns out pulling the ladder up behind you knows no racial or socioeconomic bounds.
Weirdly, even today, huge swatches of immigrants too. Legal AND Illegal.
Turns out pulling the ladder up behind you knows no racial or socioeconomic bounds.
“The court has investigated the court and found no wrongdoing on the part of the court”
I know at least 4 (I wanna say 6 but 4 confirmed confidently) righty leaning lads who are anti trans for what they will say are varied, diverse, weighty reasons - who all collectively tell the same story word for word any and everytime trans issues come up…
“I hit it off with a girl on Tinder, then two days in before we met or got serious or even talked all that much (just enough for me to be smitten) they told me they were trans, and I’m not a bigot, BUT IF THEY DON’T PUT THAT SHIT IN THEIR BIO THEY DESERVE WHATEVER HAPPENS TO THEM”
Nobody understands when I explain that their violent response to a trans woman on tinder is why trans women don’t put it in their bio.
Yo fellas, is it gay to take lunch to work? 😂
Have they actually been censoring it? I keep hearing that the fuck Spez stuff is being deleted but Idk if they’re doing it or it’s just getting overwritten lol
“We should judge this movie on its merits as a movie and not on social values like wokeness”
Judges movie exclusively on levels of social values like wokeness and corporatism without once mentioning a damn thing about the movie
“Michael was driving a car from a company that shows every private residence in the country. But it’s also a company that won’t let us show the car that takes those pictures. In fairness to them, it is their property. If you want to know what the company is, all you have to do is ‘something’ it.”
Wouldn’t it be neat if she faced consequences for her actions, instead of the US working overtime to make sure potheads do as much time as they possibly can before they’re finally forced to admit they lied about pot
She needs to be investigated immediately!
Fun fact: She won’t be!
I saw numbers from some study about tech and people’s relationships with it or whatever and it’s insane how many people think Facebook is the entire internet now that they’ve had that integrated browser for so long. It’s just all they ever learned of technology, magic rectangle go to Facebook.
I understand not being “tech savvy,” a “hobbyist,” whatever - but I can’t fathom not bothering to consider how something I use daily works AT ALL. I hate cars but I learned enough to understand how to tentatively diagnose a problem and handle minor maintenance myself, but some people take their car to the dealer like 4x a year instead.
Is madness.
Past generations saw some level of stability by their 40s and felt that something worked.
Ain’t nothing worked for any of us and those people who did turn conservative in their 40s are now 80 and voting to literally murder gay and trans folk.
I wish these people would stop getting fucking passes by claiming they only accidentally memorized Mein Kampf.
He’s literally just doing whatever Musk tells him to. Get rid of all the people who cared about the site, then you can advertise your site as a walled garden for bigots and terrorists
The judges have judged the judges and found no wrongdoing on the part of the judges.
Then it should be treated as what it is, an illegal venture based off of theft. I don’t get a legal pass to steal just because the groceries I stole got cooked into a meal and are therefore no longer the groceries I stole.
He’s taking marching orders from Musk now to maximize IPO time, gonna be no walls to any content - except to ban anybody who thinks saying racial slurs is tacky and outdated.
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)
I forget that most “kids” (Idk 20 and down maybe a few years older) only know the internet and technology via Facebook and android/iPhone respectively.
I scroll on my phone PLENTY, I’m not judging, but I can’t imagine not having a desktop or laptop at least.
Lack of education, and decades of brainwashing including an explicit underlying message purposely tied up in religion to benefit from that suspension of disbelief that everybody on the planet who isn’t a hardline far right Republican is explicitly part of a worldwide conspiracy against you specifically, low income white dude in BFE County, US with a population of 5,000, and every announcement, news story, discovery (scientific, archaeological, astronomical, doesn’t matter) is all fake to prop up the conspiracy against you specifically.