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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • ‘The team I chose to support 4 years ago are actually shit’ Boo fucking hooo. Mate, high school crushes have lasted longer than your ‘support’.

    I’m a Newcastle fan, born and raised here. We haven’t won anything since 1969. You have to go back to February to remember the last time you won something. Yeah ok there is a good chance that we (Newcastle) win things in future now, but there is no guarantee, and it seemed a very very long shot for a very long time whilst I have supported them.

    Your attitude is why a lot of Americans, and foreign fans get a lot of stick. You want to be part of the football culture, but you only want to be part of it when it suits you, when you can chant back to your glory supporting mates of another team, or even worse call fans of smaller clubs and insult their teams.

    Man Utd’s dominance of English football is over, but they had a good run, and as much as it pains me to say it, they have a significant history.

    Make a decision, either continue your support and keep going, or get out of football, and sport now.

  • Almost all modern day sporting success is down to money. In English Football before Man City it was Chelsea who were challenging Man Utd, who they themselves kept buying players. Arsenal had a few one off years of success. Blackburn also had a year of success thanks to Jack Walkers money. Before Man Utd was Liverpool and Everton thanks to the Moores family in the 70’s-80’s. Before that you are going back to Man Utd in the 50’s-60’s who bought all the good youngsters.