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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Even as a city fan I just want to say I appreciate your sentiment in your last paragraph. Something needs to be done to FFP to make it easier for clubs to rise like city did, because FFP really does make it impossible for “smaller” clubs to challenge a title which means that there will never be even footing. Older and more established clubs who spent more in the past will always have the edge.

    As for city specifically, I read the CAS judgements and they found nothing financially suspect, even when reviewing the time barred stuff. So I wouldn’t say the process is “deciding upon a punishment” at this point in time as much as it is deciding if a punishment is warranted. I doubt we’ll ever agree on that but I do appreciate you mentioning that things need to change to allow teams to replicate City’s rise in a “fair” way.

  • Firstly, Thank you for mentioning what most people don’t; the fact that there were only a handful of teams that could realistically win the league and UCL because of FFP. So the footing has never been even. People like to pretend things were perfect before Chelsea and later city came around with the money to compete, but it was not at all that way.

    To answer your question; I would absolutely take the memories and things I’ve seen over the past decade or so(93:20 top of my mind) even if that means we get relegated to the championship. I also think it’s highly unlikely we would stay there for more than a season, particularly if even just a few of our players stayed. It would honestly be kind of amusing to watch us absolutely destroy the championship, but also kind of sad for the team the actual championship teams.

    With that said, my ideal situation is that we are cleared of all charges and people just deal with the fact that someone new became dominant fairly. However even if we are cleared of all charges we all know that won’t happen. For the rest of time rival fans will claim we bought or strong armed our way out of the charges.