Definitely not
This is just pushing their blatant lie. Everyone knows its elon. Trump even said so in his state of the union and only a complete idiot would believe it’s not elon
Ah good point
I read somewhere it’s thought that lead in wine to be sweeter is suspected as the reason for Beethoven’ deafness
Id have dove under that truck
Mac’s childhood was pretty fucked
It just appears that way if you are the first from your instance to subscribe to it
There is also !kingofthehill@lemmy.ml but .ml is so fucking agro i dont like promoting it
TIL Gene Hackmans wife just died from a virus from mouse poop. Then watched the public health official describe how to wear n95 and gloves when cleaning it up and even wash the gloves before removing them then still wash your hands and dont vacuum the droppings as can spread particles into the air. Was pretty sobering given that i just got rid of a few in my kitchen
New transportation secretary
Ketamolycaine county