No, not even those. The ones that literally say “Please put your cart back in the corral”.
More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!
No, not even those. The ones that literally say “Please put your cart back in the corral”.
Oh for real. I’ve been on the bus and people ask questions like what time it is. I just respond with something wildly unhinged like “Quarter past where the past, present and future all have a collective existential crisis. But if you need a more convential and temporally linear answer, tis probably too late for this nonsense”. I’ve yet to have anyone say anything other than the most generic ass “Cool” response. Some even say thanks which is… hysterical.
There must have been a wind shear or something as it was landing. Gust of wind comes in and just pushes the plane over on its side as its landing. Astounding that critical injuries only totaled 2.
Honestly I have no fucking clue. I do the same thing. Especially bad if I think about something that can cause a laughing fit and then I have to explain a voice clip a friend sent to me.
Most people generally won’t care though. They’ll look over and maybe go “Huh” before they carry on.
You’d be amazed just how little people actually think about anyone other than themselves.
To answer your title? Yes. Aggressively so.
I don’t participate in their activities.
That’s fine. There are plenty of friends I don’t share the same activities with.
I don’t really ask them how they are, or what their interests are.
One of the core things about being a friend with someone is getting to know them. That means their emotional state and their general interests. If you don’t show any interest in them, why would or should they show any interest in you? It’s a wasted investment.
I don’t even engage in deep discussion with them unless I’m up for it.
I mean that’s fine. It’s everything else that’s extremely problematic.
When my friend sends a video that reminded her of me or that she finds funny, I don’t click it and just ignore it.
Your friend reached out to say that they thought of you in a moment when they had no real reason to. They’re saying that because they care and want to demonstrate that. By ignoring that, you are telling them that you don’t care about whether or not they are interested in you. Whether you mean that is something else but that is the story you are telling them.
Maybe my friends are growing apart and they text me less because of this
Oh they 100% are. No one is going to stay in a one sided relationship for long because it’s a waste of their effort. They care and be emotionally open but get nothing in return except pain. By you not engaging with them when they try to engage with you, that comes off as you having zero interest in them. They’re going to start questioning why they keep talking to you when you don’t talk back. They are going to eventually come to the conclusion that you are not demonstrating any interest in them because you just simply are not interested in them. They will stop talking to you entirely and any memories they’ve had of you will become tarnished in their mind as a one-sided friendship.
but I’m kind of okay with that because I know they will be there for me when I need it
You are making an insane gamble here that will not pay off. Why would they ever be there for you? You were never there for them. You didn’t share in the small joys of life that they tried to share with you, why would they want to share in your miseries? They will only see you as a source of negative emotion. They will see you as sucking up their positive vibes towards you and showering them in negative emotion as they get nothing in return. Then they’ll feel used as you only talk to them when you need something from them. They will see you using them for an emotional cushion and realize that the only thing they are to you is a crutch. When they make that realization, they will leave you and never look back.
and because I’m genuinely just tired/bored most of the time.
So are most people but we make time and effort for our friends.
One time, my friend asked me if I’d like to spend time with her, and I just point-blank said “No”.
I can guarantee you that you hurt the hell of their feelings. Whether or not they said it? They were pretty upset. They offered to spend time with you because they like you and wanted to share in that. Asked if you’d like to spend time with them for the same reason and you rejected it. They aren’t going to know the reason unless you said it so they’re just going to invent a reason. With all of your other behaviors? They’re going to assume that you don’t like them at all and stop trying.
IDK if that’s rude just because I’m being honest
No, you’re being a dick. Being honest is telling the truth but that does not mean being aggressively blunt. That does not mean phrasing it in such a way as to hurt someone else or to be emotionally painful. You could have said no in a thousand different ways that would have been just as truthful while also not as hurtful.
and also because it’s not personal, I don’t want to engage with anyone.
Then you better not be surprised when no one wants to engage with you.
I’m picking question not the answers yeah we covered this already Covered this I don’t have to answer questions
Because you are incapable of answering them in a way that doesn’t make you look like the sole problem that you are
Oh honey, I cornered you ages ago. You ran out of the stadium and are screaming from the sidewalk lmfao
My work here is more than done, I’ve got better clowns to laugh at. Keep crying to no one though. It really is making you look sooooo much better. Absolutely. It’s totally working.
It’s funny. You keep picking all the answers you’re gonna give so that you can look good but by ignoring everything else you just keep looking worse and worse and worse…
Keep digging that hole. Want a backhoe?
No, it’s every store. They have to. If they didn’t have the signs put up then they could be legally liable for any accidents involving free carts in the parking lot. By having the signs up they avoid that responsibility by putting it on you.
This really is just about basic common decency. The rest of us put the carts back because we still have some.
Yes, by all means, keeping dousing yourself in gasoline.
SOCIAL contract
Like we have with the GOVERNMENT
Yeah I figured out really quick how serious that discord was when they couldn’t answer most of my questions
Couldn’t? Or wouldn’t? Seems to me the latter given your hostile behavior.
they weren’t even working on the loops project.
Got proof of that? Or just a wild assumption that you’re making?
I’m happy I left
So did you leave? Or were you banned?
Well that was easier than expected. Thank you for conclusively proving that you were in the wrong here. People who were right in their actions do not get this defensive. They don’t say “I DON’T HAVE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING” because they have nothing to hide. They don’t dodge questions that were put forward because they’re more than willing to show just how truly fucked the other side is. They don’t deflect back to another persons behavior saying “THEY WERE BAD SO I CAN BE TOO.”
You deserved everything you got and your own behavior says it.
I feel like racism definitely played a part on America’s side too. Just assumed that they couldn’t possibly be strategically intelligent because their houses aren’t white picket fence nonsense. Clearly they are “lessers”.
I’m sorry but who the fuck gave that a second star
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Now, what about addressing your own behavior and inconsistencies in this story? Like my entire comment was about?
It’s remarkable that you claim Dan was dodging questions when you’re doing the same.
I’m perfectly fine with telling people what to do that I don’t pay
Then you do not get to complain that people do not want you around. You broke the social contract, you don’t get to be protected by it. You don’t get to go around to join already established volunteer groups, insist they run it your way when you openly admit to your own attempt being a failure, and then get upset when no one wants anything to do with you.
So lemme get this straight.
You joined the server to help out, knowing it was volunteer based.
You were frustrated after 12 days despite development of anything often being on a scale longer than it. Instead of asking questions in a conversation, you made call out videos that got people feeling defensive
You say you were making new videos for 12 days so the platform doesn’t go without content but then later you say you’re decompiling, without ever making any earlier mention to working on it in that regard? (I’m not watching your videos so if it says that in there then whatever but that should kinda be in the text)
What exactly was your plan to help? Did you ask how you could help? Did they let you know how you could? Did you do what they asked or something else?
He didn’t explain it but he didn’t ignore it? What?
You failed to produce a viable Fediverse product but are insisting that people run it the way you see fit?
You make ANOTHER call out video and question the entire nature/purpose of the project in a backhanded way that throws shade on Daniel
I dunno anything about the loops situation. Dunno what’s going on but I’d totally have banned you too. Looks like you jumped into the server, waited barely any time, started openly criticising the schedule of development while not being a part of that or having knowledge on what was going on, started making call out videos and then passive aggressively insulted the dev team. I mean from everything you’ve posted, you were not an angel in this at all and I’m inclined to take anything you say with a record breaking grain of salt.
Or you could follow the basic signs that are written up everywhere and have the basic human decency of returning the thing that you took in the first place
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