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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • Yes and no. After last 3 transfer windows and huge sums spent ppl have weird expectetion that we r gonna be title contender. But what football and club fans fail to see (or just dont want to see) that we: 1) bought talent not skill/imidiate impact 2) we sold our team and are starting basically from scratch

    As a Chelsea fan i kinda get the sentiment “we are Chelsea, we have to be great especially with so much money spend”, but i just cant fathom why are ppl failing to see what rly happend. We r almost youngest squad in PL (without Silva we would be the youngest) and it happend almost overnight this summer when deadwood left. Now we got new team and actually new club managment. How are we suppose to contest anything? Especially with todays competition. Theres like 8 teams that are europe cups worthy. And its not like we have team full of highest quality seasond players. We have bunch of youngsters that gonna be epic if everything is gonna go great … which not always happen …

    What actually happend, is that we demote ouselfs into 7-8th position team with potential to be top 5 in next 2 years. Will it happend? Dunno, its so risky … if it will hapend, UTD gonna be jealus cause its what they need, if it wont happend UTD gonna be enjoying their looooong term restart and saing how dumb we r that we tried to solve our problems in one window instead of 5.

    One more thing … can we stop using that “money spent” nonsense? 1) we sold a looot of ppl and made a lot of money for this spending 2) if u sum up money spent and their wager and / by years of contract its not rly that big deal and most of the players are on minimum wages beceause of their age and status. Its risky, might ruin everyone involved but it is the way it is …so stop deluding yourself with Chelsea have to be top … they spend bilion they need trophies … we r no way near them … we r gonna be unconsistent for a while.

    My rant is over, i know its unpopular, so just downvote me and lets get it over with.