Those who didn’t vote, who thought their vote didn’t matter, that no matter which politician gets elected to whatever office… they’re complicit.
Those who didn’t vote, who thought their vote didn’t matter, that no matter which politician gets elected to whatever office… they’re complicit.
What would be really cool, was if the kid didn’t belong to a Tibetan buddhist family. It was just some random kid in rural Alabama. Think about it: “We have found the 15th Dalai Lama! It’s a boy called Billybob Jackson”
I don’t envy a kid who suddently gets chosen to be the head of a religion.
I’m a dad of two, and in my country (Norway) it’s mostly common to divide the leave. With my first, I had 9 months of paternity leave, 6 months with my youngest. The two best periods of my life!