As a consequence, have a person’s kids taken away? Or should there be any consequences?


I’m straightforward and don’t want to give any ‘fluff’ So I don’t know how else to ask this question without it sounding rage baity.

This isn’t a gotcha or trap to argue with anyone I feel and believe I can learn something of value from people I disagree with. It is interesting to know why you disagree and what reasons make you feel x y and z about things.

I’m here to listen, not judge or throw around name calling or fight with you. You feel the way you do for whatever reason, and I want to know a little more about why you do and that is it.

I would like for everyone to feel confident voicing how they feel about this question. I don’t care if I disagree with you. Fighting with you is not how I’d like to spend my evening. I’m sure you don’t either.

I might ask follow ups like, “Why is it that you feel that way?” Or “can you tell me a little bit more” so I can understand your point of view better. And that’s it.

If that feels too much or you don’t want to. Totally fine. Just ignore my comment to you.

Thanks for your time.

    8 个月前

    They should have access to blockers

    Was the first thing I said. You can wind down, I’m not against anything but rhetoricians giving fiery nothing-burger speeches encouraging rash expediation of something that requires no such thing or to be done in any such fashion.

    What is the rush if they are able to access puberty blockers and what are you seriously proposing?

    Is this medicine? What is the damn rush once the hormones/anti-hormones are prescribed to delay the decisions requiring a more mature and set mind?

    All the arguments you can literally make from the other side. Perhaps the rush is artificially imposed from + on both sides and a product of a polarized debate that is non-referential (responsive) to any medical or psychological process or the focus on the child’s health/wellness that would otherwise be organic to the overall effort.

    You are not a dr. I am not a dr. Lets listen to drs but also ensure that kids aren’t being forced into something that is not them and reduce the impediments to being evaluated and going through the process so the right people are treated and others are given an off-ramp where it would be inappropriate or detrimental.

    I’m saying “let drs figure it out” but also we need to learn from the successes and failures and if there’s any sign of parental coercion, control needs to be removed from the parent and invested in an arbiter who is required to be responsive to the health and safety of the child. That will be all

      8 个月前

      What is the rush if they are able to access puberty blockers and what are you seriously proposing?

      Is this medicine? What is the damn rush once the hormones/anti-hormones are prescribed to delay the decisions requiring a more mature and set mind?

      Ah, the puberty double standard returns to haunt us all. Trans kids going on HRT is not somehow more dangerous or damaging than cis kids going through puberty. If you find a 14 year old trans kid on HRT to be more disturbing than a cis 14 year old undergoing puberty that’s pretty much a you problem, because both can and will have permanent effects.

      Doctors already know to do this on a case by case basis. This isn’t news to anyone. Kids aren’t forced on HRT. The idea that doctors don’t ever speak to the kid without the parent present, extensively, about what they want out of HRT and why is basically a paranoid fantasy that has been sold to you by right wingers. Take it or leave it, that’s what it is.

        8 个月前

        Right. And the effects of one of those paths has been debugged over the course of about a hundred million years. The other like what 50 years?

        If you don’t see the difference in the danger there, you’re not trying or you’re not good at seeing.

      8 个月前

      You’re also saying that parents should be given the 3rd degree and implying that many parents actively force their children through transition as a fad.

      That’s not something that happens in any meaningful way, but creating a situation where parents are grilled and doubted for supporting their trans children actively hurts trans kids.

        8 个月前

        I was pushed into being things I didn’t want to be by my parents.

        edit: And I believed I was those things until massive therapy in adulthood finally helped me get in touch with my true self