This transphobic, anti-gender theory, anti-abortion doctrine of theirs has me completely done with them.

I’m not a rageaholic, but you wouldn’t know it when I heard this story come on my news feed. Profanities that came out of me were full-throated, long-winded, and unbecoming.

I was raised Catholic and for a long time since they decided to bless same-sex marriages I was okay with the Catholic Church but what do you know? Just like that. Now I’m anti-Catholic.

They’re basically saying that everyone is made perfect in God’s image and that by changing your sex your violating that perfection and somehow violating your own dignity? Like, they’re trying to say that changing your gender is separating yourself from your soul somehow? I’m done with these people.

Here is a link to the actual document that they produced. Would you believe it took him 5 years to come up with this garbage?

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this.

    6 months ago

    I respect your decision a lot. The world would be a much more pleasant place if more people were willing to look past their comfort zone and see institutionalized hate for what it is.