• Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Mate at some point or another you do need to chastise people for claiming they want change, even posting on the internet about all the change they want to see, “remvolutionnnnn!” they shout, and then they do absolutely fucking nothing about it.

    Every now and then a kick up the arse helps. I’m not “trying to reach out” to most of these people, I already know that they’re ideologically where they need to be, they already believe that capitalism will not save the planet, they already believe that every day is a step closer to mass famines and societal collapse, they trust the scientists. They want change. What they’re not doing is getting off their arse and going to people that actually want to do something about it. They inactive, they’re hoping something magical will happen with the existing capitalist political ruling class who have brought us to this cliff edge and that they’ll magically stop us marching right off it. They don’t even believe that they will stop the march off the cliff but something deep deep deep down is still making them hope and pray for the yesterday when they could just stay at home and be politically inactive, where politics was a thing that happened on the news and didn’t impact them too much.

    Well that shit has changed and they need a boot up the arse to realise that. I don’t need to reach out to them because they already fucking agree. All we need is for all of them to get off their arse and actually do something.

    So yeah I’m fine with how I’ve framed it. If you think I’m “reaching out” to you you’re probably still calling yourself a liberal, you’re not the target.

    • mimichuu_@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      The “kick up the arse” doesn’t work. You’re just going to make people get defensive. You being rude gives them an excuse to not listen to you - now they can strike you off as a madman radical and move on with their lives.

      This person was just advising to not get overwhelmed with anxiety and panic for the future because it’s just going to make the present suck before that future is even here. They never said “don’t take any action at all” or “it’ll all magically be okay”. Going to that person to try and overwhelm them with anxiety and panic for the future and calling them names for not being overwhelmed with anxiety and panic for the future isn’t any kind of rhetorical “tough love” thing you’re trying for it to be - it’s just a dick move.

      Trying to overload people with fear doesn’t work. It’s actually a denialist tactic, when your brain is so overloaded with fear it can’t function with it, everything turns into a blurry mess as a self defense mechanism. You stop thinking about it, that’s what most conscious people have done. Very, very few people have genuine faith and trust in today’s political authorities. But regardless, in that state it’s very easy to fall for a counter narrative just to be more calm with your life.

      Also, I’m not a liberal. Not every country has an organized and effective radical left. In here the most radical leftist parties are leninists who only sit on their asses writing articles on websites that look from the 90s about how we should support ISIS in their anti-imperialist struggle. I focus on improving and sustaining my own community.