Sounded ridiculous like it was just random idiots.
But it’s a lot more dangerous and more likely than that:
Former White House adviser Stephen Miller said enforcement will be managed by red state National Guard troops that the Trump administration would deputize as immigration enforcement officers, according to the report.
He could and would 100% do that, Govenors wouldn’t fight it, and even if they did, the SC would side with trump.
They really should have said “National guard” in the headline instead of “MAGA force”.
But for real, this is the sort of thing that would trigger a progression of events that would almost certainly lead to open civil war. Think about it:
deputization of specific red-state and red-friendly NG and CBP personnel occurs
theyre sent to blue states and blue metro areas in particular
they probably do some Krystalnacht shit, and also probably try to fuck with the state and local governments at the very least, and likely try to do outright violent coups against them
blue Governors who are on the ball are gonna be like “fuuuuuuuck that” and mobilize their own NG contingents for the defense of their own states and its population
trump tries to nationalize said defending blue states NGs; the governors tell him to fuck himself
the NG commanders are faced with a choice: follow what could be very clearly construed as an illegal order by the president, or try to stick to what the spirit of their oath actually is. It’s anybody’s guess how exactly that will play out. Nonetheless, I’m certain some state NGs will echo their governor’s sentiment
Sounded ridiculous like it was just random idiots.
But it’s a lot more dangerous and more likely than that:
He could and would 100% do that, Govenors wouldn’t fight it, and even if they did, the SC would side with trump.
They really should have said “National guard” in the headline instead of “MAGA force”.
But for real, this is the sort of thing that would trigger a progression of events that would almost certainly lead to open civil war. Think about it:
So yeah. That’s super fun to think about. Wcgw.
Remember all the riots in Portland? All it would take is one side to open up with an AR and it’s on.
And the rat fucker Rittenhouse is out there with I’m sure plenty more guns.