I am not American and the election is giving me anxiety.
Right now, I am watching the live results, and I am terrified to go to bed because it should be a landslide win for Harris, but it isn’t.
America is going full fascist right before our eyes.
I’m going to get incredibly baked and play Minecraft. Then bed.
I’m loving this , copious amounts of weed and video games consensus
I’m going to get incredibly baked
Hey when you wake up tomorrow can you share a screenshot of your base
2016 I was on a work trip and had to hit the hay early, and that was awful to wake up to. 2020 I stayed up with whiskey and total war. This year I think will be weed and anime but I’ll stay up fairly late
I think this is my plan as well. I tried to watch right after the polls closed and I turned into an awful wreck so now it’s bobs burgers and weed and maybe some midnight stress cooking.
Literally just pulled a mini Apple pie out of my oven, the stress cooking is going
I will.most likely check a few times and then try to force myself to ignore it because even if networks start calling the race for Harris tonight, the legal shenannigans are going to drag out for a while.
Staying up tonight in the hopes of a clear win is a fool’s errand.
If I stay up, it’s because I’m gaming. Remember, Biden wasn’t declared winner until the following Saturday.
If fascism wins, and it very much can, conserve your energy, bottle your anger, and figure out the next move.
Almost certainly, the bloodbath won’t be over by bedtime, or by morning. We’ll just have a better idea.
I want to try to go to sleep but I know I won’t be able to, and I’ll wake up in the middle of the night even if I pop an ambien. I tried to keep a good mood today but then my mom had to blurt out that the orange turd already took 2 states while Harris has 1 and now my mind is a wreck
I never gave a shit about a presidential election up until 2016 when I figured Clinton would coast in. Then I made sure to be involved in every election since then, minor and major, voting pure blue. 2020 was still a little scary, but nowhere near as terrifying as this one
I want to sleep, don’t know how peaceful it will be. My state, Ohio, (unsurprisingly) went fully blood red in every possible election, including NO to the anti-gerrymandering issue.
I’d like to not lose my job because of a fascist rooting out anyone who doesn’t agree with them and sicking their followers on them.
Edit: aaaand AP just called Ted Cruz as a winner for Texas…
Yeah, woke up and checked. Fuck. Guess we’re fleeing the country.
I wish you the best of luck and expediency in that endeavor. I’m pretty solidly stuck here; all my family has been here for generations, so I have no “heritage” to speak of to get myself citizenship in another country.
If/when I leave my job I do have the option to drain my retirement as a (mostly) untaxed lump sum; I’m under 30, so I don’t expect retirement to still exist as a concept in 40 years. I expect the fund will get taken out from under me either way, better to at least use it for myself.f.
I’m really sorry. I feel bad for you and for so many others. One of the mods in c/News has a gay and a trans kid. Another has a daughter-in-law who could get deported. They don’t have the luck I have. I wish they did. I wish I could take all of you with me.
Funny enough it wouldn’t be hard for me to get a job in the UK, but I would still be working for the same branch of US government 😐
Ive been awake for an hour. Fuck i mean first thing i see is trump with 100 point lead. Im tired boss.
285,428 idiots so far have voted for Jill Stein.
They are outnumbered 1.8-to-1 by votes for RFK, Jr. or Chase Oliver. My level of hope that the foolish people on the left will be outnumbered by foolish people on the right is: IT’S NOT FUN ANYMORE
I think I will stop the updates, I’m getting scared now.
I’m from Europe and it’s already midnight here. I need some sleep.
Definitely staying up until there’s either a decision, or an indication that there won’t be a decision for a while. Like, “Okay, PA is the decider, and we’re not going to know about PA until some time after the sun is up,” or something.
I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
White Russians (heh) and trazadone.
I work until 4am Eastern time. I’ll be all too aware of it throughout the next few hours as I try to concentrate on work.
I work nights so I have no choice. Hopefully the existential dread makes the night go by quicker.