David Spade as Joe Dirt
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal the Cannibal
Bruno Ganz as Adolf Hitler in The Downfall
The fact that Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn isn’t on this list makes me sad.
Robin Williams as the Genie.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. With the sole exception of his height, (comic book Wolverine is very short, and Jackman is not) it’s like the character walked out of the comics and onto the movie screen.
The like, 2 seconds in Deadpool where they had Cavill as wolverine made me wonder if he could legitimately do it
Hard disagree. Hugh is too tall and too pretty. He’s done a fine job with the character but I am extremely excited for a new short-king wolverine. It’s time to move on.
Heath Ledger as the Joker.
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.
David Tennant as Doctor Who
Alan Rickman as Severus Snape
AND as the Sheriff of Nottingham!
Why a spoon cousin, why not an axe? It’s dull you twit.
I always remembered that bit, I rarely heard anyone but my dad call someone a twit.
Carl Urban - Dredd
Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow.
But why is all the rum gone?
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg
The entire cast of Princess Bride.
Bryan Cranston as Walter White
Ewan McGregor - Obi Wan Kenobi