Antifa literally means “anti-fascist.” Anyone who fought against the Nazis in WWII was “antifa.”
And Scott Adams lost his f*cking mind years ago.
I know at least 4 (I wanna say 6 but 4 confirmed confidently) righty leaning lads who are anti trans for what they will say are varied, diverse, weighty reasons - who all collectively tell the same story word for word any and everytime trans issues come up…
“I hit it off with a girl on Tinder, then two days in before we met or got serious or even talked all that much (just enough for me to be smitten) they told me they were trans, and I’m not a bigot, BUT IF THEY DON’T PUT THAT SHIT IN THEIR BIO THEY DESERVE WHATEVER HAPPENS TO THEM”
Nobody understands when I explain that their violent response to a trans woman on tinder is why trans women don’t put it in their bio.
Jesus. Just had a moment of empathy. I don’t think I have ever had a first date with someone (yes I am a het cis male) where violence was a real possibility. The very worse I worried about was some sorta scam. Be safe everyone.
Yea it’s a fkd up world, and many people are wild animals, or even worse. Im a cis male too, and the most i ever had to deal with was a girl…[or two] who beat the shit out of me. Some days I have more hope for humanity (myself included) than others yknow.
It’s more dangerous to put it in your profile than saying it to someone in person?
You can swear on the internet fyi
You can swear on the internet fyi
Maybe she didn’t want to though
Saying f*ck instead of fuck is just as much swearing. Potentially even more so, since you actively want to avoid word filters.
It is also kind of like saying “f*cking a**hole” isn’t an insult.
I love how much effort you put into pedantry. It’s like you use the most words possible to make the least amount of point lmao
I completely agree with the commenter above. Self censoring swear words is absolutely ridiculous. Either swear or don’t - that’s your choice.
@Owlchemist Comments that insult other community members (directly or indirectly) without adding anything interesting to the conversation are not welcome here.
Are you saying, as a mod, commenters should not be ridiculous and replace vowels with asterisks if they like doing that?
I prefer not to self censor so I don’t have a stake in this. Just curious so I know what to report.
No, it’s not a community rule, just a pet peeve. I honestly hate it but I think making it a rule would be too authoritarian. I don’t want to be that mod.
My reminder of the lemmy rule against insulting others was directed at Owlchemist. I’ll edit my comment to make that more clear.
deleted by creator
I completely disagree with you both.
If you feel it’s “insulting” to find judgmental comments that add zero to the discuss except being negative to another community member pedantic, I don’t know what to tell you.
In all honestly, ya’ll’s comments are the same kind of negative as mine. Who cares how someone else chooses to write? How is bemoaning someone’s choice of spelling or self-censor “adding anything interesting to the conversation.” It certainly makes that commenter feel like shit. So who’s rule breaking here?
Why are you being such a ************ about this?
People can talk however they want. Adding an asterisk honestly adds some flavor to it. It’s like, making the curse word taboo again, in a sense. It’s kind of an interesting phenomenon.
Either way, “either swear or don’t” (in the lots of replies here) is one of the stupidest hills to die on that I’ve ever seen. And there are many corpses of me on top of hills.
Um, what does he think Antifa means? You notice how they almost exclusively use the abbreviation and hardly ever the full name? For those who might actually be unaware, it means Anti-Fascist.
Scott Adams is a fucking moron. He apparently thinks anti-fascists are actually pro-fascist. Dumbass.
He’s probably one of those people who think the nazis were socialists because nazi is short for “national socialist”.
Probably, despite the fact that Hitler himself said they weren’t socialists.
The socialists of the party were killed in Night of the Long Knives
He wouldn’t even need to say it - just look what the Nazis were which was basically fascism + racial science + antisemitism
I mean but c’mon are we going to believe a word he said? /S
Or who conveniently forget about the Southern Strategy and the great party switch. Massive, massive mental gymnastics to put themselves on the ‘right’ side of history every time
While I agree with both of you, these two points kinda contradict each other.
Just like North Korea is called DPRK: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The fascist use whatever words are in fashion to name themselves.
Many do think antifa is just a different word for socialist, so it’s not necessarily a contradiction.
It is a contradiction, though.
“Antifa are ANTI fascist - it’s in the name!!”
“The Nazis weren’t socialist - you could name yourself whatever you want!!”
Except Antifa isn’t a formal organization, it’s a descriptor for an ideology. An organization can call itself anything, even if it isn’t a proper descriptor, but an ideology is by necessity defined by its name.
I thought it was “I did Nazi that coming”
A lot of conservatives have problems understanding words, especially words that apply to political beliefs. It’s party ignorance and partly a result of years of indoctrination. One example, thinking that anyone who isn’t hard-right is a ‘socialist’ or a ‘commie’ and not understanding that those aren’t the same thing. Then, fascist… many people seem to think fascist means an authoritarian government, independent of any other qualities or beliefs.
Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
I mean, that’s what most people imagine, when they think fascist and I think it’s good enough.
Is every fascist government identical? No. But as near as makes no difference they are all the same type of asshole.
The rest of your points stand, however. People do not understand communism, socialism, nor Marxism.
It’s not good enough because fascism is specifically a form of right wing authoritarianism which includes hyper-capitalism, close relationship between the state and corporations, sexism, racism, and xenophobia. Otherwise we’re back to the idea that a fascist dictatorship and a communist dictatorship are the same thing, which clearly they’re not.
You actually just proved their point by defining authoritarianism and calling it fascism. Fascist governments are authoritarian but that’s just one aspect of it.
I literally just pulled the first result on google…
And like I said for general conversations this definition is absolutely adequate.
It’s like talking about American Democracy and someone goes “well, technically we’re a Republic!”… Ok great…
The difference between fascism and communism is that people have generally a good idea of what a fascist government looks like, while they really don’t understand the other terms.
I disagree that people generally have a good idea what a fascist government looks like, or else there wouldn’t be this level of confusion. I think most people at best, know what countrys had a problem with fascism in the past, without any certainty of what parts of of those governments were where the fascism was, just guesses.
Thats why comparisons to nazis and such are so common I would say. People find it a lot easier to point out similarities to known fascism than to try and concisely point out the exact point where an action became “fascist”
I literally just pulled the first result on google…
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
I think it’s good enough.
Most of the time, yeah. We take these mental shortcuts to avoid a lot of unnecessary headache and talking.
Problem is, these shortcuts get hijacked by asshole grifters to push their own agenda in todays climate of tiktok and youtube shorts. And this is especially potent when the usual everyday use of the word is not good enough. Want another example: “What is a woman?” Same mental shortcut. Same method to exploit the shortcut. Same bullshit. Nuanced discussion not happening.
Sometimes, we just need to be precise in discourse. These people are intentionally not being precise. They hijack our mental shortcuts.
Another example:
But yeah, in everyday use it’s good enough. Of course it is.
Yeah but get into a debate with Scott Adams and like-minded morons and inevitably they’ll try and pretend that Nazis were actually socialists because it was in their name. Never mind that was a throwback to some early party mergers and everything they said and did was ultra right nationalism. Strictly not fascism (that is the Italian variant) but aligned to it so closely that it broadly makes no odds.
I’ve heard more than one person on Fox News or other Right Wing stations call them Fascist Antifa.
Moreover, anti-fascist action:
It’s not enough to just have an oppositional stance or something, it’s the action that makes antifa.
I though Antifa were just radical cola purists.
Can someone confirm that this is genuine? I mean, I know he has problems, but this just seems too f’d up to be a real screenshot 😬
It’s genuine. I took this screenshot just now.
Wow…I knew He was right wing but this here is already starting to sound psychotic.
Behind the Bastards just recently did a two part story about how The Dilbert Guy lost his mind. It’s a great podcast and goes through the whole history of him falling hard for Trump in recent years. Part of it seems to come from a very traumatic health issue where he almost lost his ability to speak. It certainly doesn’t absolve him but it kind of explains what pushed him over the edge.
Here’s the first part if anyone is interested:
Sounds like a case of “the guy formerly known as The Dilbert Guy”. Doesn’t sound like the same guy [with a working brain] anymore.
Oh, I know this shit. It’s like when Trump made a deal with Satan to convince Eve to eat the apple, because then Trump could try to date or just grab Eve when she got sent to Earth.
Since you’ve already volunteered yourself to venture into the den of awfulness formerly know as Twitter on our behalf; perhaps you could dig around to see if perhaps there’s a recently trending, uh, txeet(?) That says something sensible using the same structure but different groups that this Scott idiot is attempting to parody?
Something like:
“I wonder if (some group this Scott guy would relate to?) know that (scumbag group who actually supported Hitler and the previously named group have recently shown support for) was allied with Hitler and helped him come to power…”
That’s my most generous interpretation of what he’s saying about someone critizing his original post just not understanding “what’s going on here.”
I have a strong feeling Scott Adam’s most recent ex-wife cheated on him with a black dude. Not that it’s a good excuse or anything.
I mean, he’s insanely racist to the core and it feels like he’s deeply hurt or something. He can go fuck himself, but he needs help.
He’s been racist for a long time. Behind the Bastard covered him recently. He dropped hints over the years. But a health crisis caused him to go into seclusion for a period of time and when it was resolved he was a bit zanier than before.
I am grateful for not having a social media presence and not being important enough to be noticed. If I ever lose my grip on sanity I would rather it just stay small and quiet. Instead of tweeting something racist that haunts me for years.
Hurt people hurt people
Crab people crab people
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
look like crab, talk like people
God damned crab people!
clicks claws and scurries away quickly
The Dilbert guy really went off the deep end, didn’t he?
He went far enough, that there’s a Behind the Bastards episode about him.
- 20230711 - Part One: How The Dilbert Guy Lost His Mind - 1h32m
- 20230713 - Part Two: How The Dilbert Guy Lost His Mind - 1h46m
Is there really 2 hours and 18 minutes worth of content devoted to Scott Adams losing his goddamn mind? I don’t know if I have that kind of time to invest in that douche canoe.
I really enjoyed it. But I was also playing rocket league or driving when I listened to it. Behind the bastards is moderately funny so it’s an easy listen.
Having listened to some other Behind the Bastards I’d say it’s really an entertainment show that uses their topics as a basis to joke around than a serious biography wherein explaining the subject is the primary goal.
They’re usually fun and you’ll tend to learn something new but it’s not really ever going ot be a serious deep dive.
Sounds a bit like Drunk History! Though I think I’d have to take that one with a bit more salt
I keep hearing about the podcast and it sounds great. Could you recommend any outstanding episodes to check out? My interests are wide so anything is on the table
I’ve not long listened to it so probably can’t make great recommendations of classic episodes but I enjoyed their series of episodes about Vince McMahon titled: “Histories Greatest Bastard!” (partly because it features Seanbaby.) I’ve really just dipped in an out of a couple of random episodes otherwise.
Wait, I thought that was just a random idiot, are you telling me that’s the author of Dilbert?
Yep, he’s completely lost it and was dropped by pretty much every newspaper after describing black people as a “hate group” (among other crazy stuff).
I really don’t understand successful people attaching their wagon to Conservatives… The entire human history is just a parade of religious Conservatives resisting change, trying to subjugate others and looking like absolute assholes in hindsight.
There is ZERO examples in history of “hey we were going to expand freedoms, but good thing we didn’t, thanks to the religious opposition!”…
Conservatives are wrong and have been wrong on every single social issue since the dawn of time.
I’m sure they had their victories when it comes to economic issues, but they haven’t had one of those in over half a century either, since the only idea they seem to have is tax cuts.
Actually, economically, conservatives have mostly failed as well.
Hah yeah… It also wasn’t until this post that I made that connection. For the past few years I’ve heard of “the Dilbert Guy going off the deep end” and seen random posts (like this) with this Scott character being an absolute moron
mind blown meme
Along with Chachi, Hercules, and the Wheel of Fortune guy. Conservatism (read: Fox News) will rot your fucking brain.
Be fair to Conservativism, Kevin Sorbo’s (Hercules’s) brain was already damaged by the time he fell into its warm dark embrace.
What’s this about Wheel of Fortune?
It’s almost as if Fox News rots your brain! Or maybe boomers just licked a lot of lead paint as kids…
He certainly did
It’s just so sad that they think that antifa is some organization, like “vegetarianism” would be one as well
Not unlike how some media is working on presenting the fediverse as a singular organization.
It’s as if some can’t conceive of humans organizing without a corporate overseer.
“Who is this four chan?”
They really can’t. Anonymous was something that corporate media simply couldn’t explain.
Oh they’d have been able to explain it if it benefitted the rich for people to understand it…
And on the other side, NOT anonymous they screw up too
There’s a big difference between a website knowing that Jim Smith at 123 Blubber Terrace Boise, Idaho visited and looked at dildos vs GA ID 1374738.2188432 did
I’m so happy I stopped paying attention to mainstream media.
How will the masses be good lil subordinates once they realise they hold the true power?
I imagine hes is misquoting the United Front here?
The United Front (Einheitsfront) was the strategy of the German communist party KPD to counter both fascism and social democrats (whom the KPD and the Third International called social fascists (“Sozialfaschisten”)). As you can probably guess, this wasn’t very successful in uniting the left and center against fascism, so Parties of the Comintern ended up changing strategies to the United Front, a broad coalition of left and center against fascism. This had some limited success (France had a Popular front government of communists/socdems/left leaning liberals for two years that enacted a fairly large amount of very progressive labour laws and banned a number of fascist and monarchist organisations like the Croix de Feu, Spain had a similar Popular front which ended with the military loss in the civil war against Franco)
The SocDems SPD had a similar strategy btw., the iron front, which intended to counter fascism, monarchism, and communism and was opposed to the KPD.
Every word uttered by a conservative is either a lie or profoundly incorrect. Every communication is an attempt to manipulate. This is who conservatives are.
Never trust the word of a conservative. Never.
I’ve been putting off seeing family for so long, but I’ve been begged to come to the reunion this year as my Grandma is not doing so great. Every single one of them were once proud Trump supporters who grew silent after j6. Now all they do is scream about Phil Murphy and…bears? Windmills causing whales to beach? This weekend is going to be dreadful.
Why do they all hate windmills so much?
I had an old family friend meltdown, unfriend me from facebook, and avoid me like the plague ever since I told him he was wrong when he claimed it takes more electricity to make a single windmill than a windmill can ever produce in it’s usuable lifetime…
Pure culture wars. Renewable energy is an amazing boon for decentralization, which means rural communities and those who want to go off-grid. It’s a no brainer. But because they’ve tied themselves to social conservatism and their thought leaders in that sphere have major financial ties to gas & oil, they have to morally oppose windmills.
Actually that is really really interesting what you said, “morally opposed to windmills.” They obviously are against them from a “moral” perspective, but I’ve never seen even an attempt at a moral argument against windmills, its all crazy conspiracy theory stuff. I would almost respect it more if one of them just said something like “I don’t like windmills because I think it is morally wrong to harvest wind”.
Meanwhile, drive through Kansas sometime…thousands of windmills along I-70, sometimes stretching as far as the eye can see. Maybe 10s of thousands. The discrepancy between that fact and the opposition is astounding. Look what states have the most power generation by windmills.
I was about to advise you to chill a bit, then saw your username and now am sort of impressed by such staunch commitment to being pissed off.
Every word uttered by a conservative is either a lie or profoundly incorrect
Or projection, so much projection.
You forgot my favorite: every accusation is a confession.
I used to read ToiletPaperUSA on reedit and yeah, fuckin Charlie Kirk. EVERYTHING he posts online contains fallacies and conflations attempting to manipulate people, like he knows his ideas can’t stand on their own without dishonesty.
Hey now, I know the average Bush voter in the late 90s wasn’t like this. Blind hate for half the country just destroys the country. This is a new problem.
Whatever this new thing is, the small group doing this - not the ever growing group being exposed and converted by it - deserves everything you’re saying. But don’t give up on your conservative family members. We’ll figure out how to stop the flow of hateful brain junk food eventually. We can go back to just politically disagreeing with them, instead of being irrationally hated by them. And vice versa.
Respectfully disagree. Since Reagan the right has been completely fine with utter hypocrisy in the service of - well, ultimately nothing though for awhile they would say it was in the service of national security, or Christianity or something like that. Reagan republicans actively worked to fool the working class into giving them more and more power by lying, using “morning in America” commercials, and otherwise laying the groundwork for what became the fox news nation we now know and love so well.
The fact that otherwise good people who would help others and meant for everyone to get a fair chance etc. would steadfastly give their votes to them every election became more of a house of mirrors and lots of analysis as to how that could possibly be when their policies are so obviously cruel / stupid / nonexistent.
TL;DR - Propaganda works. “The average person” is criminally under-informed in many ways.
They weren’t quite like this but there was still shitty conservatives in much the same way… The extremists weren’t the core yet though. They were absolutely still there and voting for Bush, they just weren’t allowed to be the face of the party… Yet.
^ how you radicalize yourself
That’s not correct; you’re taking a black and white, absolutist view to the question, and that just doesn’t work.
For instance, take economics; many traditional conservative positions square pretty well with economic theories and practices. Social conservatism also has a place, given the tension that exists between concepts of community and society. I do not agree with many conservative interpretations, but it’s not accurate to say that all conservatives are intellectually dishonest.
OTOH, modern “conservatives” aren’t conservatives in any meaningful way. It’s now more like regressive populism.
take economics; many traditional conservative positions square pretty well with economic theories and practices
Like trickle down theory, corporate personhood, that tax breaks will result in tax revenue, and that government austerity is preferable to stimulus to move an economy from recession to expansion? They’re zero for four in the most popular 20th century conservative economic theories. I’m not sure that economics is the best lens to view conservative theory in a positive light.
No, Reaganomics was a bad-faith move by social regressives. Corporate personhood has been a reality since Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Co. in 1886, so I guess that’s conservative, but also not exactly. The idea of laissez-faire economics–that the market will mostly sort itself out with minimal gov’t intervention–is generally upheld by prevailing economic theories, and is a fundamentally conservative view. I happen to disagree with the economists though, because they’re only looking at it as an economic issue, rather than economics being a manifestation of the social realities.
Dude. What you consider “the left” IS CONSERVATIVISM. The USA is soooooo far afield, people are sooooo brainwashed, they can’t hold a liberal thought in their heads if they fucking tried.
US liberals are more centrists in a European sense, no argument there. I’m just pointing out that offering up US conservative economic theory as a shining star of success is not the boast they think it is.
neoliberalism is conservative ideology and it has been doing very well the last 40 years, to our vast detriment
No true Scotsman much?
So Manchin and Sinema are libs, right? Because they claim to be.
When two random assholes claim a label and all the other pressure who claim it disagree, they’re just two random assholes.
When 99% of the people claiming a label are a certain kind of asshole, that label describes what kind of asshole they are.
Nobody on planet earth thinks they are liberals. No one.
“conservative” is starting to feel like a meaningless label that assholes throughout history have tried to use to describe themselves because they didn’t like the other words people were using to describe them.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are “real” conservatives out there and in history, but it sure feels like they are outnumbered by the people that use the word as a mask, and that is weird.
Conservatism took a weird turn with Reagan. Reagan was socially regressive, and not an orthodox fiscal conservative. George HW Bush (Dubya’s dad) was in many ways more of a traditional conservative. Eisenhower was a particularly notable conservative, and is generally regarded as a successful president. Nixon was likewise extremely successful, and managed to significantly dampen inflation, despite being generally bad on racial issues (although he did enforce desegregation orders, but he was also working to pull the teeth of the civil rights act to appease white southerners), and generally being a thief and liar. His re-election was a complete blow-out, winning every single state except Delaware.
We’ve also got this weird idea that being ‘liberal’ is some kind of magic, that libs are going to do wonderful, magical things as soon as they have majorities in the house and senate, and have the presidency. We’ve seen that NYS, CA, and IL can’t address shit in their own borders–e.g., housing/homelessness, and Obama did very, very little to advance a significant progressive agenda aside from the very weak and watered down ACA. Biden is just going to policies that existed prior to the Trump toxic clownshow.
That is kinda my point, the meaning of “conservative” changes a lot through the centuries it has been used, and the only consistent part seems to be the assholes using it as a “friendly” sounding mask.
And your perspective of the public opinion of liberals is entirely too informed by mainstream media. Many leftists dislike liberals for not being leftist enough, and moderates seem to only expect maintenance of the status quo, not magic
Many leftists dislike liberals for not being leftist enough,
That would be me, right there. The older I get, the farther left I go, and the more disillusioned I get with what I thought Dems had been promising for the 45+ years of my life. Not that Republicans have made my life better in any meaningful way; NAFTA might have improved the bottom line of businesses, but it killed my career in it’s infancy when GM/Ford/Chrysler all moved manufacturing south of the border to take advantage of cheap labor. Meanwhile Biden doesn’t seem to be doing a lot to help labor either, esp. since he killed the railroad strike before it happened.
I don’t want a status quo.
I don’t want a status quo either, I’m also a leftist.
I’m just trying to describe things as I see them.
It’s just engagement bait; the consequence of Elon paying influencers. All these guys are just saying sillier and sillier statements to pump up their view counts in an attempt to score some Muskbux. Just roll your eyes and stop using Twitter.
It’s from September 2020. We can’t blame Elon for this one.
I guess not, but I’m gonna stand by my suggestion of not using Twitter anymore regardless.
Agreed. I stopped using it a while ago. I had to search for my login details just to double check it for you!
I’m so disappointed in Adams. That idiot chugged so much Kool-Aid that the cavities have rotted up to into his brain
“I passed sixth grade social studies and you have lost your fucking mind.”
I love that I have seen comments responding to comments about him being crazy with something like. So everyone you disagree with is crazy. Its not a disagreement when someone says a relatively new, modern age group, was behind a historical group. Im not going to even get into its the opposite of what their group is about. Its like no. People are called crazy for saying crazy shit. Like slavery was beneficial to slaves. Thats not about disagreement its just patently wrong. Its like saying when you murder people it can sometimes be good for their health.
Adams is “crazy” because he seems to disagree with himself. Donald Trump impresses Adams, yet he voted for Hillary Clinton to protect himself. White people should “stay the hell away from black people,” yet in a tweet after his tirade he explained he is not bothered by black people, but instead bothered by white advocates for black people (which… may include himself, I mean he identified as black for solidarity or something, which is kind of meaningless, but he did used to support black cartoonist Robb Armstrong’s comic Jump Start quite a bit, and even wrote the foreward to his book). Yeah, his views can be upsetting, but the following day they will likely be upsetting yet completely contrawise to his previous views. That’s why he’s “crazy,” and while I dislike the connotation of the word it seems apt. He has a constant paranoid mania in his videos, blog posts, and tweets. I really only have a layman’s knowledge of mental disorders, coupled with my own experience, but Adams really needs an evaluation. PTSD, any bipolar disorder, any schizophrenia, or maybe something else I don’t know about could likely be in the cards.
But also like… In an entirely self-contained way the person who wrote the original post is crazy because they are claiming a group was part of events that ended decades before that group formed.
Yeah when stuff first came out I watched like half a dozen episodes of his coffee talks. I kept on trying to go with that hes joking or being sarcastic in some way but eventually its like nope. there is no way to spin this. biden turning into a werewolf. sort a joke or something. don’t really get it. does not fit in as funny. come on bring this around to some sort of sarcasm. crap hes just lost it.
He was a big inspiration to me too for a while. I started reading Dilbert when I was first learning how to read. Then I started making my own comics for a bit. My mom and a lot of her colleagues loved him and his comic too, since they worked for Nynex, later Bell Atlantic, while he was working for Pacific Bell. I have this fantasy that maybe my mom or her colleagues might’ve even spoken/written to him once while they worked in purchasing. Maybe she or someone else got a phone call saying “Hey, this is Scott. The Seattle office needs more paper. Please order some.” Though that probably isn’t too likely since Nynex only dealt with New York and New England, and Bell Atlantic with the East Coast. Still, everything seemed somewhat interconnected in the Baby Bell days of the phone companies that I feel like he could have crossed their paths. Anyway, I hope he reexamines his views and has a support network in getting better. He deserves his punishment but the funnies aren’t the same without Dilbert.
Yeah. Its so strange as I feel this is happening with a lot of people. From well known public figures to even my own family memebers. I sometimes wonder if its a result of modern things that are unfixable for the individual. Climate change and such. I sometimes wonder if some folks brains can’t handle not having a solution so has to go into all sorts of strange beliefs or directions in search of a fix. Like back when musk was a bit more normal there was talk around his various endeavours trying to push technological development to sorta fix things (getting off fossil fuels, moving industry to space, etc) and I sorta wonder if it just became clear that the math did not add up and his mind went to a social issues fantasy to fix the world.
Antifa isn’t all that new though. While the American antifa isn’t actually a branch of the original 1930s German one, it likes to think it is, and it’s the German one that Scott’s claiming helped Hitler gain power.
No. No it isn’t. Scott is just a moron who happens to also be able to draw (badly) characters that corporate office drones relate to. He’s absolutely trying to attack the current Anti-facist movement in the USA.
I mean yeah, he is, but saying it’s new isn’t why he’s talking bollocks. There was an Antifa that the modern antifa claims ideological descent from, and that is what he is claiming supported Hitler.
The issue is that what Antifa actually is and how the public perceives it are two different things. This is why certain people will believe this as much as NSDAP being socialists because it is in the name which makes them leftists unless you really give a history lesson. And from experience that will end up in that they either say that’s just your opinion, look at you with glassed eyes or never even listened to you into the end.
Yes, both are historically really incorrect and at the level of a glance funny in inaccuracy. But on more deeper level this (insert the right fallacy or tactic as it escapes me) is a lot more insidiously dangerous. How do you efficiently encounter it in a way that most people will come out of the discussion with the most accurate knowledge?
Like Peterson, Scott Adams was at least interesting to read in 2016, even if you don’t agree with him. His analysis on why Trump eventually won was actually a pretty good read.
But it seems that going deep into the conservative echo chamber turns everyone in it completely insane and paranoid, until they are nothing but a parody of their former self.
So I think the main idea of conservatism is ironically being self destructive.
Always neat to see Tweets of people who are about to be blocked by Scott Adams
I think you mean “Xeet”.
I presume that’s pronounced “skeet”?
Wasn’t he also middle management when he was working?
So, Y’know, he was the pointy haired one?