this plane is 21,000kg. it does not weigh 21,000kg. kilogram is not a measurement of weight.
Sure the plane masses 21 tonne, its weight would be in Newtons (~9.964 * the mass in kilograms) and would increase by a factor of however many Gs the plane is pulling during manoeuvres
But you know how words are used when you’re not being so very precise? The way you’re doing it isn’t it
How does this comment have 3 upvotes and the one telling us to mount a fucking space shuttle on it has none? Some of yall in the wrong damn community.
Got you fam.
Kilograms are most definitely a measure of weight. Every time you put something on a scale with kilos on it, you’re measuring its weight in kilogram force and inferring its mass from there.
If someone says something weighs a certain number of kilograms, the force part is implied
Technically it’s not, practically it is beacuse we all live on constant gravity. Except in planes and jets funnilly enough because sudden and great acceleration do make things inside the plane weigh more or less even if their mass is the same.
Acktschually… noone cares, it’s a meme.
Ah yes, the ASM-SS1
Is your airplane too chunky and lethargic all the time? Is your best friend going to die early of weight related complications?
Try farmers fuel tank, the number 1 fuel tank brand reccomended by 9/10 crew chiefs. You shouldn’t be the only one eating healthy