“We’ve never been the party that was about checking boxes or identity politics, but the difference is we have women that are qualified to be chairs, and I don’t know why there wasn’t one who was able to become a chairperson of a committee," she added.
They’ve created this cartoonish simulacrum of diversity that they treat like some rabid, overzealous movement so they can ignore it.
Nicole, this thing you’re disappointed about is what that thing you dismiss as “identity politics” is actually all about, you weiner.
NOT True! If it was True they wouldn’t be Republicans!
Your bodies, my committee.
Maybe they can be bathroom monitors. If they behave.
Who’d see that one coming? Certainly not republican women.
lol stfu and make me a sammich!
Back in the kitchen and bake me a pie!
Edit: sorry. It’s the first thing I thought of.