Roman Abramovich is accused of paying people under the table. Man City have 115 charges.

Under Abramovich Chelsea have won - 5 League titles, 2 UCLs, 2 Europa Leagues, 5 FA Cups, 3 energy drink Cups, 2 supercups,

Under Sheikh Mansour Man City have won - 7 league titles, 1 UCL, 3 FA Cups 6 energy drink cups, 1 super cup.

Lets say hypothetically the EPL manage to prove it happened. And the points deduction is something that even Man City cannot recover from Eg. 90+ points deducted.

Would you be willing to accept a relegation to the championship for the above memories?

Eg. you saw your club win those things and have the memories of watching it?

  • legixs@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Never! I’m so glad the Qatari human hating assholes are not a topic at Utd anylonger.

    The sport is dirty, but you also don’t bathe in nuclear waste if you fell in dirt already, right?

  • RazzmatazzOk2821@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The fact that this is even a relevant question makes me sad. Seems like the EPL is going down the shitter with the rest of the world.

    Like does everyone else feel like since the super league talks everything has gone downhill? I mean refereeing even… Jesus Christ

    • Aman-Patel@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Bro just take a step back from the social media. It’s always incredibly negative and creates the illusion that things are worse now than ever before. Objectively, the quality of football is higher than it’s ever been before. We don’t have to watch horrendous leg breakers any more. People can say the sport’s gone soft but I never liked watching those challenges. If you do like watching more physical football, there’s plenty of that available in the lower tiers of English football. There’s also none of the micro analysing of offsides, fouls etc in the lower tiers. But the top tiers now offer better quality football than ever. Despite City’s dominance there’s actually a lot of competition. There’s always been a couple teams that dominate for a period of time (e.g. Arsenal, Liverpool and Everton, United etc). Right now it’s City but take a step back and remind yourself it won’t last forever. When Pep leaves it won’t feel like they’re nailed for the title every season. City, Chelsea, United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Newcastle and potentially teams like Brighton or Villa all have the capabilities to compete in theory because the floor of the Premier League has been raised. The bottom teams are richer than ever. As clubs like United have proven, you can’t just throw money at the team and guarantee titles any more. People will point to City but the biggest factor is them having the best manager of our generation. If they had anyone but Pep the money they spent on players, the facilities etc wouldn’t have had the same impact. Refereeing has always been shit because there’s an element of subjectivity involved and human error. Goal line tech has removed one controversial aspect. The longer we have VAR, the more professional the process will improve. It will only get better, not worse.

      But if you’re constantly letting social media dictate the way you feel about football you’ll never be happy. It’ll lead you to believe refereeing is constantly getting worse, there will never be competition in the league again, players are worse than ever etc. It’s just not the case. People just look back on the past with rose tinted glasses. Clubs like Chelsea and City may have bought their way to the top but it’s better having 5, 6, 7 rich clubs that could potentially compete one day than just 3 in United, Liverpool and Arsenal. With the Prem increasing in value massively through the 90s and 00s, if billionaires hadn’t thrown money at the likes of Chelsea and City, the gap between United, Arsenal and Liverpool would’ve been massive and insurmountable. That’s an alternative reality that we could’ve gone down and it’s a shit one. Imagine the dominance of City but their only relevant competition was Arsenal and Liverpool. Great for their fans and no one will say they’re cheating but a horrible viewing experience - worse than the one we have now.

      Idk man it’s all social media negativity and grass is greener type shit.

  • DrRushDrRush@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    No. It would have been a fun ride to be on. But the taste of cheating afterwards would end my belief in football.

  • Cowboy_on_fire@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Firstly, Thank you for mentioning what most people don’t; the fact that there were only a handful of teams that could realistically win the league and UCL because of FFP. So the footing has never been even. People like to pretend things were perfect before Chelsea and later city came around with the money to compete, but it was not at all that way.

    To answer your question; I would absolutely take the memories and things I’ve seen over the past decade or so(93:20 top of my mind) even if that means we get relegated to the championship. I also think it’s highly unlikely we would stay there for more than a season, particularly if even just a few of our players stayed. It would honestly be kind of amusing to watch us absolutely destroy the championship, but also kind of sad for the team the actual championship teams.

    With that said, my ideal situation is that we are cleared of all charges and people just deal with the fact that someone new became dominant fairly. However even if we are cleared of all charges we all know that won’t happen. For the rest of time rival fans will claim we bought or strong armed our way out of the charges.

    • DANIEL7696@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Idk why you and op push this agenda that ffp is complete shit, it allows teams to progress(Villa,Brighton and others did) but by being financially sound, not by getting a sugar daddy. If there would be no FFP the biggest teams could pay enormous fees and the smaller ones would go bust trying to compete. If i were a midtable team fan I’d rather my club stay in it’s lane than overspend and end up in league 2

      • Cowboy_on_fire@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        There is no perfect answer for this because you are 100% right. It’s exploitative not to allow smaller teams the growth and financial power they would need to actually challenge for titles. It’s equally exploitative to allow crazy spending by only those who how the means. There needs to be a middle road and we haven’t found it yet

  • AdhesivenessOk2294@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think its hard for fans of other clubs to comment. They all have a holier than thou attitude right now. Personally, as a Chelsea fan everyone knew Roman was a sketchy dude so there was always that feeling but as someone else said, the cheating we did is not like a direct sort of cheating that everyone can understand. Most people don’t really understand the intricacies of FFP. It makes it slightly easier to live with than if we were accused of say paying refs or doping. If we get relegated so be it for me those memories will live on.

    On a side note I would also find it hilarious if these American billionaires came in pumped like billions of money into our club only to lose like all of it after getting fucked off to like the championship or even out of the efl. Maybe thats just some copium though.

  • SnooHobbies7676@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    People will only be truly happy if we lost all the titles we had and be relegated, maybe to League One.

  • AngryTudor1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    For whatever reason, a question for non-big six fans seems to have been answered almost exclusively by big six fans on our behalf.

    So, in answer- yes, absolutely.

    We are going to get relegated anyway. If it isn’t this season, it could be next, or the one after that. Hopefully we can delay the inevitable for a long time, years. But inevitable it is and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. A club our size (with the exception of Everton who sold their souls to the devil to always stay up) will always get relegated eventually.

    The championship is not some dark hell of gnashing teeth, weeping, hellfire and despair. Well, maybe some gnashing of teeth.

    So I’d take a bunch of amazing memories and league titles in exchange for something that’s going to happen anyway, thanks

    Would I take ten years in league one in exchange for success and winning a trophy?

    Now, League one is really shit so I’d have to think about it. Make it winning the league and you’re on

    • prkr88@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Leicester City fan here.

      We came to the prem for a good time, not a long time.

      Mission complete. Drops mic…

      • AngryTudor1@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        That’s the thing, a lot of fans who only know the premier league don’t have any idea what the football league is like.

        Championship is a fantastic league to be part of. Sure, it is a big drop in quality but the football is really fun and not half as stressful.

        And when you’ve been in league one for a bit, you are grateful for every season you get to spend at Championship level, let alone PL

  • Provider0fMyCheddar@alien.topB
    10 months ago


    20 years of success. 1 year in the Championship with players of the ilk of Foden, Palmer etc. who came through the academy with most of your World Class players on loan at other European teams. Immediate promotion and then continue BAU but you now have the infrastructure, players and revenue to be perpetually successfully.

  • stevo_78@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    100%. Relegation is not permanent, trophies are. Plus being relegated is over stated. As a toon fan some of the best (pre takeover) memories of the last 20 years have been in the championship

  • 14JRJ@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’d let Villa fold if we could have Chelsea’s success first

  • WestwardCycles10456@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Edit. I am not asking Man united, Liverpool and Arsenal fans

    So you’re specifically not asking the teams that have been most affected whilst playing by the rules? All three teams have been giants for at least 100 years.

    Chelsea and City have spent most of their history outside of the top division. I think United, Liverpool and Arsenal have had the most to lose from the outrageous fraud that has been allowed to happen over the last couple of decades in the prem.