- cross-posted to:
- mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world
- cross-posted to:
- mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world
Kinda your own fault for being on Tiktok in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s been a recent flood of it here, though. A new (i think) page titled ‘gifs’ started flooding my All feed and pretty much every post is a “watch till the end” for a 10sec clip…🙄
Most of those are reposted by the same account. You just need to ban a few accounts and the feed is clean again.
Step 1: block archiebot
Step 2: enjoy about 75% reduced spam
Oh yeah, im no stranger to blocking users and entire communities on this platform….there’s just usually the initial wave of whatever the new spam is until i can get my feed cleaned up again.
it’s so easy to create these types of accounts and flood them with low-effort AI slop that blocking one or two accounts never did it for me. regardless of the platform (tiktok, facebook, instagram, any other social media, including some of your revered FOSS platforms) it’s easy to bypass humanity filters with very little effort and fill the account with garbage. all of these platforms behave the same way: if outside accounts engage with it, it becomes more valuable. that’s why there are so many of these, and why “just banning” a few of them won’t solve it
- create account
- use AI or automated process to post tons of slop videos
- stupid people like, comment or share the video
- account’s engagement goes up
- now transition it into advertising
- sell it to a company. “Look, this account has 100k followers. How’s $10,000 sound?”
Good thing it doesn’t work here.
But it’s a known way to make money on the other site.
because there’s only a few thousand users here.
that’s why it isn’t commonplace; there’s no money in it. slop companies make more money on tiktok, facebook and other popular platforms…
…but Lemmy is not free from abuse of this type. If the fediverse was more popular it would start to see more slop content.
that’s my point. it does work here, because the same vulnerabilities exist, but isn’t common because it’s not as profitable as shitting in tiktok or facebook. :)
No, the same vulnerability does not exist here.
There are different vulnerabilities here, but this one isn’t there.
Your position is that Lemmy is immune to the following: company creates an account on Lemmy, spams communities with low effort content (possibly created by AI or automated processes), attracts viewers, then sells the account to another company as part of an advertising campaign. This position can be defeated if the above happens even one time. I’m refusing to debate you on this not because you’re infallibly correct, but because it’s not worth the investment of time. Any idiot can see it’s an indefensible position. Have a day. 🫱
Usually tiktok is the most responsive feed out of all the platforms if you scroll away from some specific content asap. It will not try to push it again and again.
People are sharing content from there to other places too.
I saw that shit on LinkedIn.
I’m a simple man, I see TikTok I dislike.
As it should be
- Old man yells at clouds
In fairness, fuck clouds.
Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in cumulonimbus
How limb does it have to be to get stuck in water vapor?
I’m just 28, still yell at clouds though
To be fair, to a 15 year old 28 is old as hell.
AWS or Azure?
I’m a man of culture, i see Tiktok, I open Tiktok 😌
I still have an attention span
For your own well-being I hope that is a joke
The man of culture part was.
Generally I think the dislike of Tiktok has to do with purity culture more than anything else. I typically find people who hate on Tiktok to be misinformed, willfully ignorant, massively hypocritical, or a combination thereof
I think realising something is specifically designed predatory addiction engine and then practicing self restraint to avoid that product isn’t being misinformed or something to be ashamed of.
TikTok, YT shorts, IG, they are all the same, and are categorically unhealthy for anyone; much less the youth.
See, this is the purity culture, and it’s always so selectively applied.
Things can have both good and bad aspects. Lots of good things can be bad when used too much.
Lemmy is much the same way. You say it was specifically designed to be an addiction engine, but all that involves is showing you things you like. Lemmy is the same, just that the algorithm is so simple that it can’t show you any discovery or new things.
You can find similar arguments about almost every part of the internet.Are there problems with Tiktok? Of course. There are also amazing parts of Tiktok. Just like Lemmy. Just like Mastodon. Just like pixelfed.
You misunderstand the key design principles though. They are designed so that people struggle to have the strength of will to put the apps down, because every third thing they click through is generating ad revenue.
Lemmy isn’t perfect, but I, like many others, have no issue putting it down when I’m done with it. I personally check it for about 10 minutes when I wake up and before I sign off for the night.
Its worth noting that Lemmy doesn’t have an algorithm, it just shows you posts in chronological order (technically not true, as there are community ratios and such, but it’s true enough for a general statement).
My disdain for these apps is born from watching family and friends waste days (sometimes 8+ hours at a time) on them, and then often being totally incapable of recalling anything they’ve watched or learned. It’s actively harmful to their health.
My thoughts exactly
No, I understood perfectly.
Capitalism causes apps to be shitty
But you don’t understand that capitalism isn’t the only reason that apps become shitty.And out comes the big “algorithm” Boogeyman, decried by people who don’t know what an algorithm is.
You know why it’s easy to put down Lemmy? Because it does a horrifically shitty job at presenting you with new content that you’re actually interested in. That it. That’s the entire story. You’re less addicted because it’s less enjoyable. That is literally the entire thing.
Lemmy has all the parts needed for the same experience: an infinitely scrolling list of bite sized content. The only difference is that there is way less content here, and there is no discovery (meaning it keeps you in your own self-defined echo chamber).
Lemmy is a reddit clone, and if you’re gonna tell me that people aren’t addicted to reddit at similarly “dangerous” rates then I’ma full on call you a liar with my entire full chest.
What about the people who are worried about the harmful mental and physical effects that TikTok has on people? The privacy concerned trying to keep their data safe? What about empty and repetitive content? TikTok is a wormhole of negative behavior, and as much as there can be interesting content on the platform the majority is overhyped and recycled garbage(independent of your interests). If the platform was not a massive conveyor belt feeding empty content for the sake of money I would be somewhat ok with it. I’ve tried TikTok, Vine and even Snapchat and personally it is quite fun doing short video content(informative, silly or otherwise) but I do not enjoy being treated as a pig to be fed.
What about those people? They’re mainly the aforementioned hypocrites.
You’re worried about Tiktok privacy? Good, you should be. You should ALSO be worried about privacy everywhere else you go. Where is your concerned about Lemmy’s privacy? People who think Lemmy is private are like the people who think that blockchain makes your transactions untraceable.
You’re worried about being fed empty content? Ok I guess. Where is your concern about brainrot content on Lemmy? Nobody is being outraged by !hmmm@lemmy.world or !memes@lemmy.world or !showerthoughts@lemmy.world.
And if you think all content on Tiktok (or most content presented to users) is like that, then that says more about whoever told you that than it does about Tiktok.You seem more than happy enough to be a pig being fed by Lemmy.
You may call this whataboutism.
I call this a hard look in the mirror and a call for you to reflect on why you’re ok with it some places and not others, and if perhaps it’s related to purity, or elitism, or ageism, or racism.Would you care to explain why and how is Lemmy feeding me? I’m not saying Lemmy is exempt of the bad kind of content and behaviour or even me getting addicted to social media(federated or otherwise), but it is surely not motivated to do so because it gains nothing from doing so. Last time I checked federated platform do not use algorithms to filter and sort content, do not show advertisements and so on.
Final question, what would one that has those corcerns have to do so that they would not be a hypocrite? Asking geniunely… Are you concerned about those things? And if so what have you done about it?
PS: I do not hate TikTok just because, I hate any predatory social media platform, video game publisher or stream service. I have switched to every possible FOSS alternative and taken the recommended privacy practices.
Lemmy is an infinite feed of empty bitesized content. It may not have a purpose in feeding you, but it does all the same. Or what do you mean by “feeding”? I interpret that as presenting you with the mental equivalent of empty calories. It’s not motivated by ad money to do so, but that doesn’t mean it’s not motivated, or that it even needs motivation to do so. In fact, Lemmy is largely just a reddit clone, so simply by copying reddit it inherited many of the UX design choices.
All social networks, including federated platforms, use “algorithms” to surface content. The algorithm that Lemmy uses is very simple, but using a more complex algorithm is not inherently bad. People use “algorithm” as some kind of boogyman word without understanding it or considering what it means.To not be a hypocrite you should treat all social networks with a similar critical eye. I’m not gonna say that they’re all equally evil, but when you criticize something that other people like, then you should be willing and even eager to turn that same eye on the things you like.
I am concerned about those things. I do very little about it. It’s a cost I just have to be aware of when I use these services. Specifically wrt social networks I stopped using the ones that don’t bring me enjoyment.Wrt Tiktok specifically, I find it less predatory than the other for profit platforms, but I don’t blame people for not using it if they don’t like it. I just check myself before I say anything elitist about social networks preferences
This Man Took A Normal Photo Of His Wife But Realised Something Was Very Wrong
Answer In Link Below 👇👇👇
A man took a nor
[Large Ad]
[Large Ad]
[Can’t tell if this is a piece of a new article or a continuation of the current one]
Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see
[Another Ad]
[Large Scrolling Ad]
something on her that was crazy
and he look at picture closely t
get a be
[Huge Ad that Breaks the Page’s Format]
[Small Ad]
Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat
[Large Ad]
Continue reading here
When you visit the same page with µBo:
A man took a nor
[Giant Ass Blank Space]
[Can’t tell if this is a piece of a new article or a continuation of the current one]
Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see
[Colossal Blank Space]
something on her that was crazy
and he look at picture closely t
get a be
[Medium Ass Blank Space]
Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat
[Large Ass Blank Space]
Continue reading here
dont forget to getting redirected to a suspicious page bcuz u missed the close button by 1 pixel
TLDR(after clicking through 21 slides that each load a new website): She had a benign mole on her shoulder.
Reminds me of a teacher that kept telling us about the intended syllabus every day. But complaining that he had to remove stuff because there was not enough time for everything, while wasting half an hour everyday instead of going for what was possible.
Hehe yep I got to hear many of those rants too. Its like, uhh great, shall we use a magic science machine to artificially stretch the year out or what… like what do you want us to do about it
And the constant lamenting on how we’re behind the syllabus and how we need to move on, like it’s a race and not an educational process.
wAs EiNsTEiN wRoNg?
wAiT TiLL tHe EnD tO FiNd OuT!
tHe AnSWeR WiLL SHOCK YoU!Yeah… unliked and blocked, moving on.
Like the face people make for the thumbnails
This face almost made me downvote you.
Does blocking count as engagement? It would absolutely not surprise me if it does.
Engage once, to never engage again with that particular clickbait tripe channel.
This applies to shorts that start with “this is crazy” and “this is insane”.
“wanna see something cool?!” No.
I hate the slugs who overlay themselves front-and-center over another video to repeatedly point at whatever they want you to observe while steadily breathing through their mouth.
It’s even worse when they first point to their ear and then their eye to say, “LISHEN 'n LOOKSH, bruh…”
We are truly in a Renaissance of fucking idiocy.
Doubly so when they do a fake laugh any time something is mildly amusing
I often see reels with an annoying guy pretending to be shocked by connections and Easter eggs in Disney films. It cuts back to him every few seconds to show him squinting his eyes inquisitively, making eye contact with the viewer, or rubbing his chin in thought. I hate it so much.
You’re attacking protected commentary! How could they steal views without le reaction overlays?!
I can count on one hand the number of videos I’ve seen where “wait until the end” holds true.
The most recent in years is a video of a dog chewing on something. The owner approaches it and the dog lets go of a hose which then sprays the owner.
Was not expecting that.
Spoiler alert!!!
i always interpret “watch to the end” as being a euphemism for “i did not edit this video properly” or “ipad babies are the intended audience of this video”. in any case, i will not be watching that video.
End comes after 10 minutes of video with nothing happening. And when something does happen, it’s half out of frame and completely underwhelming.
Also the video cuts out ten seconds too soon to really rub it in
It says something of the Tik-tok generations attention span if you need to put a “wait till the end” reminder for a 10 second video.
Btw if I see this anywhere its an instant downvote/skip.
It says the same thing “Don’t touch that dial!” said about your generation. Which is nothing: the advertiser is admitting what follows is uninteresting.
except that’s for something like an upcoming 15 minute ad break while the caption is for a 15 second video that’s already started
Whether it’s 15 seconds, minutes or hours doesn’t matter, because they care about the decision that we make immediately.
You’ve got a financial incentive to have someone watch 30 seconds of video - so ofc you use all the skeeziest shit straight out of the chum bucket days of the early internet.
It’s not about attention span: it’s about manipulation and money.
Not only that but this meme is not about TikTok - they don’t have votes, especially not a downvote. This is almost certainly about Reddit: the only major social media site that has downvoting.
Post like a bot get blocked like a bot
It’s like having to wait through an ad on Duolingo except without the reward.
I immediately skip when I hear/see::
- “Wait for it”
- Overused trending meme music
- Overused trending AI voice
- Useless people pointing
- Useless people in the corner
- Split screen of irrelevant mobile game
- Tells me not to skip
- Anything Stranger Things. I haven’t caught up yet.
So you’re still ensnared by the useless red circle? Thank you, I’ll update my AI content slop machine
Saw one yesterday here on Lemmy, where the action happened half way through, and nothing happened at the end, which I skipped to.
Short form video and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.