I know why this is: it’s because my mom, the only family member that I was close with, smoked a whole bunch, and so I have positive childhood associations.
Whether it be the active smell of somebody who’s smoking nearby or the lingering scent that’s left or that sticks around in place where people smoke frequently, such as bars or hallways or similar, I like it a lot.
Yet even so, I was actually stunned when I found that there are very few people who agree, and many are the folks who think that it smells bad.
Yep. This is an unpopular opinion. Well done.
It’s unpopular, for sure. Is it really an opinion though?
OP didn’t actually say much about cigarette smell, other than their personal preference about it. If you say that something is good, bad or in between, that would be an opinion. If you say you like or dislike something, that’s a personal preference.
Yes it is.
I can see where you’re coming from with this (“I, the individual, like the smell of cigarette smoke” is a fact, compared to the statement “the smell of cigarette smoke is pleasant” which is an opinion), but this level of pedantry is really something else!
I’m impressed!
That’s explains the downvotes, LOL.
Same here. I quit smoking before a lot of Lemmy people were born, and have no interest or temptation to start again. I still like it. It’s good friends and hanging out late at night, it’s taking a break up on the roof. I don’t want throat cancer but the smell is still nice.
I get it. I also get how some people like the smell of gasoline or diesel fumes. That’s why I like that public places are shifting towards a default of preventing smells. Some people like things, but allowing some will annoy others
My real estate agent calls it “depersonalizing” the space. Remove all signs that it is occupied by humans with personalities. Make it like a furniture store.
Ideally we’ll do that to the whole world. Everything clean, grey, odorless.
Are flowers and rain also included as odors to be removed?
Not a fan of tobacco smoke but enjoy the smell of unlit tobacco.
I’m smoking a cig right now and I don’t even like the smell.
The smell of UNBURNED tobacco smells pretty good tho.
I am the same and I’ve never smoked a cigarette. I like the initial smell that comes off after it’s been freshly lit. But once it hits the middle, that shit starts to stink lol.
I grew up in a time when adults smoked around kids so I guess it’s the familiarity with my childhood too.
My parents owned and operated a restaurant for 35 years so I grew up hanging at the bar and huffing second hand smoke while watching TGIF. For me, smelling smoke and stale beer is super comforting. Even typing that I realize is incredibly fucked up but it is what it is. I learned a ton of social skills and relating to all ages and walks of life and it has served me well but its a pretty messed up childhood.
Wait…which era of TGIF? Because that block ran for like 12 years. Started when I was a kid, and I was college aged when it finished.
Dinosaurs was a solid show.
Mid to late 90s, Boy meets girl, step by step, family matters, etc. Would just hang there most of the night while both my parents ran the restaurant and if I got too tired I’d pass out in a booth and my parents would wake me when it was time to go home.
An Italian restaurant?
Greek, Italian and American fare. How’d you guess?
You made me think of a friend who had a similar upbringing and his family owned an Italian restaurant
I’ve been hospitalized due to secondhand smoke, so I definitely hate the smell. It is physically painful for me.
Is it an asthma trigger for you?
I don’t think it was considered an asthma trigger, though I do not have the best time breathing with cigarette smoke, either. It was an allergy trigger. It even happened through apartment walls, when my neighbors smoked. Allergy meds and HEPA filters didn’t really help much, and the doctor had no suggestions for me.
Interestingly enough, people vaping nicotine doesn’t bother me, just if they burn the leaf. The only way I knew someone was vaping is if I saw it or it was flavored, no physical symptoms that I noticed.
It’s really fascinating how scents are tied to memory, like if that scent didn’t bring good memories of your mom, would you still like it? It’s an unanswerable question, just interesting to me.
A lot of people in my family smoke/smoked and I smoked for a lot of years, but I also haven’t smoked for a lot of years now. There are different types of cigarette odors. Some of them don’t bother me and I actually like, but some of them make me nauseous.
Yeah scent memory is wild. I can smell something and have it bring me back to some perfume my middle school crush wore… Shit is insane.
Pulled up my canoe to a friendly guy fishing our local swamp. Had a nice chat. Damn, when he lit up, my brain screamed, “NICE”.
But I don’t really want a cig, just loved the smell, old memories.
For that matter, a woman who’s a little smoky with liquor on her breath, I get SPRUNG. Old memories, “a smell of wine and cheap perfume…”
Yeah. Same here. Smoked for 30 years. Quit 5 years ago but I do like hanging around the smoke for a few minutes.
Yeah. Perfume and smoke does it for me as well. Sweet liquor on the breath. Smells like trouble.
I had a friend in university who rolled his own and they smelled so nice. No idea what he put in them, but I’ve never smelled another cigarette that wasn’t vile
Self rolled ones tend to have more moisture in them, producing other flavor profiles.
Source: went from cigarettes to 2 packs a day to vaping to non smoking to smoking to smoking 2 packs a day to rolling them myself to quitting almost 4 years ago
Could’ve been pipe tobacco. Some brands have vanilla aroma added, which smells very pleasant
Ex smoker, hate the smell.
The only time I legitimately cherished the smell was when I stepped into a portapotty that had previously smelled like death for the entire week. That day though, some hero decided to chain smoke in that thing and you couldn’t smell the shit anymore.
We’ve tried the trees you put on your rear view mirror, we tried cans of febreeze, only cigarettes hide the portapotty smell. Please, Cigarette smokers, be the heros we need you to be
I love this comment :3
My grandfather smoked. I like a small whiff, but still don’t want to be breathing cigarette smoke for more than a few seconds.
My dad smoked Camels while I was growing up, and, to this day, I still like the smell of them. Reminds me so much of him, and all the little opportunities he took to light up.
Absolutely hated how my clothes would smell after going back to my mom’s, though. Just awful…
It’s definitely nostalgic for me, since one set of grandparents smoked when I was a kid. It never really bothered me…unless I was driving in their car, where it would give me motion sickness. I was never prone to it otherwise; only when driving on mountain roads in a car that reeked of cigarettes.
To their credit, they quit smoking when my older sister had her first kid, but the smell of cigarettes just throws me back to the summers spent helping Grandpa with whatever home improvement project he was working on.