Surely this will lower the price of eggs?
Any day now, Trump will lower them!
…Any second now…
See, eggs! Wait no, that’s blood…
They’re destroying eggs at the border
I seen they’re trying to say 9 is a dozen. They just want to keep pushing a narrative until it sticks. Anything that sticks is a win for them. It’s a loss for us average folks.
Who is saying this?
just like how the, i think, alabama tried making pi be equal to 3.2. They literally tried to change maths legally. Thankfully it failed
One plus one equals three, 9 is now 12!
meet the
WhY do you SuPoRtE GeNoCiDe?
man trump and repubs cannot keep these people out of their heads can they?
I lurk the conservative subreddit sometimes. A couple months ago they posted that “I don’t think about you at all” meme about democrats. The funny thing is that 50-75% of their posts, consistently, are about leftists and democrats lol
The president accused Bolton of publishing sensitive information and said the book’s publication “created a grave risk that classified material was publicly exposed.”
This classified material?
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That’s not even the worst of it. Several rooms full of documents were found at his property and, though everyone seems to focus on the toilet one, IMO the worst is the one of a storage room full of classified documents plus a scanner/printer.
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Remember, they played an audio recording of him claiming to show classified documents that weren’t declassified to his workers who don’t have clearences. outright admits that the documents aren’t declassified, while knowing he was being recorded, and reads them to people not classified for the documents he’s showing them supposedly. (About 1:20 if want to skip is where he starts admitting to a criminal offense)
I feel like I’m being trolled right now. This cannot possibly be real.
It’s real. The US is on an extreme downward spiral and MAGA plays violin whilst the country burns.
The weird thing is I think we all knew the USA was doomed but I personally didn’t expect to see the downfall in my lifetime and not on a speedrun like it is now. Crazy times
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I am not a US citizen and do not live in the US.
I am German
Dude. We (along with the other allies) saved your country from fascism in 1945. Can y’all send your military to liberate us?
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The best part is that this was known long before he was elected the second time.
Any one who goes “I was lied to!” is straight-up just an idiot who regrets that they had to feel a consequence. At best they’re just mind-bogglingly ignorant of how the world functions which is no excuse.
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I don’t agree that they should lose their human rights. Dehumanization is a step too far for me.
I believe there is some level of healthcare that is a human right.
I don’t think “job security” or “retirement” is a human right, though I think we might be in a post-scarcity world (where anyone can “retire” if they wish) and we just aren’t acting like it.
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You don’t think retirement is a human right or at least should be? Like “congrats on working but you didn’t make enough and no I don’t care why so I guess you’ll be working until you die granny!” You can’t bust in here like claiming a higher level of morality and then saying “let’s pump the brakes on the healthcare a little I mean let’s not go *crazy amirite?”
Anyway, these people voted for everyone not like them to lose their human rights, down to not allowing them to exist while queer or be born in the country to immigrant parents. And so when they lose them too, yea it’s pretty funny. They are getting what they asked for, including the cruelty they cheered on and/or brushed aside, and are crying about it because they aren’t the big strong tough guys they fantasize about being.
@bss03 @DicksAndPizza come to india and say this , everyone ll say lol
Now here’s the really fun question: why are you only just now hearing about this?
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Just do your best to keep your country from joining us. The AfD sure seems to be gaining speed like our tea party did.
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honestly not sure how you didn’t know about any of this stuff, it was like, a huge deal.
As an American, I can tell you this is my first time seeing this… and I actively seek out information. Just joined and it’s already paying off.
if you literally did as much as google “trump document case” and find like, the wiki page, these would’ve been on it. There’s an entire timeline page for the documents case iirc.
In their defense, trump & co were doing their absolute best to flood the media cycle with outrageous shit at the time to intentionally overshadow all of this, and the media was following him like rabid puppies.
It wasn’t that hard to miss the details of this at the time unless you were obsessively following the stories in side channels (like me), sifting through the bullshit and going down rabbit holes and reading 800 page court filings, and that could fuck up your mental health. Many people didn’t have the time or capacity for that.
This all happened at the same time as the inquiry into J6, too, which itself was an unprecedented and massive story, overshadowing much of the other treason.
That whole time period was mentally exhausting. I’m saddened and frustrated many people missed the importance of this story, but I do understand.
These pic were common knowledge during his trial, i saw them everywhere
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not being american certainly checks out.
Not familiar with the bundestag debate, more so concerned about every single action the US executive branch taking being entirely illegal and having no standing at all, myself.
Please tell me this is fake…
e: and in case anyone reading this doesn’t get the implication, notice where the only power outlet in this room is (the white cable leading across the ceiling and along the piping to the office printer, which is the whitish thing at the right of this photo).
It’s basically the only thing besides boxes of documents in this storage room. It was plugged in and being used, not stored. This is so much worse than the toilet photo, yet everyone I show this to hasn’t seen it.
e2: Oh, and don’t forget, this was the ‘holdout’ room, to which maintenance supposedly ‘lost’ the key the first couple of times the feds showed up, then right when they got their ‘no, really’ warrant, it was supposedly flooded by a faulty pool pump. That’s this room. Fuck, in all the insanity, I’d forgot that last bit.
Oh god the printer is just horribly blatant. Are convenient floods a big issue in that area?
This was in Florida so actually yes.
Also, the boxes are still there. After the case was dismissed when he got reelected, they returned everything.
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Ahhhh… I see Trump and just assume it’s lies, but fair enough if floods happen there. And that’s depressing.
what was the republican defense on this one? i dont remeber. wasnt it just like a stab back like “hunters laptop though!”
Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s emails again, but it was mostly that Biden had some documents, too. Trump shouted that all presidents do this, and that what Biden had was worse, and his followers believed that without looking into any context (like all Biden had was some memos, copies of personal notes, etc, and that Biden immediately turned everything over and invited the feds to his home to look for more).
The scale was nowhere near the same, Biden hadn’t intentionally removed classified documents or tried to keep them from the feds, but none of that mattered. Trump saying he was entitled to the documents because everyone else did it was enough for his followers.
Yes that’s one of the actual pictures from the indictment they brought against him. He apparently had like 300 different documents of varying levels of classified status. There’s a couple more iirc of different places like a bedroom and a ballroom stage too. Basically it seems like he had his goons just hide anything he could get his hands on in random boxes of what were supposed to be just irrelevant personal effects
He was only indicted specifically for like 30 of them but my understanding is they specifically chose ones they were willing to have potentially entirely exposed.
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Yep, even crazier, half of the American people thought it was ok and re elected him.
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In my eyes, if you didn’t vote against him, you voted for him.
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Mathematically, that is the case.
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I absolutely believe that the Both Sides Are The Same idea is really, really stupid. How dumb do you have to be to believe that HitlerPig was going to be better at anything than Harris, or any other Democrat for that matter. Or even any other human. He is literally the most prolific traitor in American history, a definitive pyschopath, and hopelessly ignorant in the most basic things.
The problem was that when it came to the Gaza issue, they both WERE kind of the same. Whichever one you voted for might pay some lip service to the genocide, but they were both going to continue to send weapons, bombs, and money to Israel to continue it. Under HitlerPig, it won’t end until the Gaza Strip is cleared out, and Kushner is building luxury resorts, hotels, and condos.
Under Harris, there would be a lot more scolding, but it wouldn’t have slowed the flow of weapons one bit. In the end, Gaza would still be emptied, and Kushner would still be creating the Jewish Dubai.
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“half” is not really correct; I know that’s not the point though.
The American people collectively had the power to prevent this, and collectively chose not to. Fortunately for me (an American), collective punishment is a war crime, for now.
It’s insane that he’s not in prison.
It’s insane that he’s not dead.
multiple people tried. The only people on the right I think I have forgiven. They actually beloved what they were sold.
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Money doesn’t buy taste, as you learn pretty quick after seeing enough rich people houses.
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Buddy, like what you like but most Maseratis I see are pretty boring and some can even feel tacky. And why are so many of them matte black, the tackiest finish? Maseratis definitely sound incredible, though.
Porsches like the 911 are also designed to be sports cars before anything else and even then I still like ‘em. Some came out a little strange for sure but for the most part they’re great.
“We’re the party of anti-elites!” “Also we use maid-cleaned bathrooms for document storage, keeping them right under the chandelier.”
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no the entire archival institute that had to dig up this shit (because it was missing) which he then lied about giving back, trump then got subpoenaed for lying about it.
Yeah no this is literally a criminal conspiracy as far as the government is concerned.
Remember the old days, when the bathroom reading material was a stack of Reader’s Digest on the back of the toilet?
I hope he’s in there one day tweeting his atrophied brains out on the toilet, and that chandelier drops on his head, and ends him. The only more fitting end would be him choking out during auto-erotic asphyxiation.
I play Skyrim. In that rpg video game you can be an assassin. After you kill Grelod the Kind, a child abuser, one of the children she tortured says:
“Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities.” - Runa Fair-Shield.
When does assassination become an acceptable political strategy? I can see how bumping off many crazy men (and right now I can only name male dictators but I guess women could be just as bad) would make the world safer - well, safer if we assume it would not trigger a backlash and WW3.
Maybe we could assassinate Kim and North Korea would rejoice not set off nukes? Maybe we could assassinate MbS and the Saudis would just shrug and appoint a new Crown Prince with a less murderous tendancy towards journalists and dissidents? But could we assassinate Putin, Trump, Xi, or Modi and not release hell?
If I had a red button to press and it would remove Putin, Trump, Musk, Thiel, Hamas, Netanyahu, or other bad guys, should I press the button? What do you think?
Note: this is a thought experiment - outside Skyrim, I never killed anyone, never worked as an assassin for hire, and have no desire to change that fact. I just want to read your thoughts on this topic - I think we’ve all wondered if there is a shortcut back to normality in face of current events but are we fooling ourselves?
Good people don’t become assassins, something bad people don’t have problems with.
It’s never Hitler, Putin, Stalin or Trump who get assassinated. Always JFK, Martin Luther King, Bobby, …
I mean, plenty tried to kill Hitler. He was just really good at not getting assassinated. Frequent last-minute changes to planned public appearances helped a lot
We need monsters who fights on the side of the light.
The crusades existed many a day ago, Yahweh’s heavenly army battled once before.
A fight must be unanimous however it must be on creeds agreed.
It will be seering light, blinding, and in it - elusidating every facet of darkness among you. Only the wrathful will survive and for what? You must agree in your values to be truly mighty.
See no creed, no color, and no gender. Witness inherent value in existing sentient. We only live when we enact our will.
What is your will? Will you act? Or forever react.
There is an army ripe for the picking. I am trying.
Yahweh’s heavenly army
Yeah no thanks. Pass.
You fight for freedom from tyranny and the defense of the weak. From the beginning of time to the end of time.
Why did you utter something so dear to me? What made you say this. May I know?
The question was where does the will come from.
I am happy at your answer and it frightens me a bit. It felt so personal and evocative - I felt as if you knew me with how struck I was by your words.
I hope you too remember to ask questions of what you do not understand. I find myself contradicting my motives often with my internal prejudice.
It must be rectified through understanding. So I appreciate your elaboration.
I find there is but one true evil in this earth, tar and dark like the void itself. The oil well is not one to drink from. I say as one who drinks from all fountains of life.
From it I see destruction of the Earth in most animals. Nihilists say it matters little for we will be dead. However I wish my children a fruitful life, sweet and kind. Not one of pain.
In it man sells their souls and invites wasteful spenditure. It is in your homes, it is in your cars and even amongst your cells.
I apologize for rambling.
same problem as cops then
Good point!
Putin and Xi…I’m pretty sure that, if they were topped, there’s enough institutional Authoritarianism that either there would be a “clean” and immediate change to someone with the next highest authority…or it would fall into civil war with just as much speed, rounds of assassinations back and forth until the power vacuum is filled by someone able to pull everyone left to heel…or the whole government falls apart…
The Chinese would certainly just appoint a new president, no problem. Xi might be in charge, but the Chinese communist party isn’t some vestigial organ. Russia, however… Putin’s been exclusively in charge for long enough and with no immediately clear successor that I’m almost certain that his death is going to result in a power struggle and civil war.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. Still, weirder things have happened.
Imo, if you want a picture of what the end of the Putinato looks like, I would say that the end of Mexico’s Porferiato would probably be a fairly accurate representation.
I know too little about Russia to know who is a contender to replace Putin or if when he goes the system that created him will go too. I am trying to educate myself on that.
As for China, I know a bit more but I am no expert. Given my limited insight, I am surprised that Xi is still in power. I expected the Communist Party to have ‘neutralised’ him, not necessarily bumped him off but to have taken away his power and reduced him to a figurehead, especially after he mishandled the pandemic and has struggled to fix China’s economic woes. He is basically a thug. If all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. But you cannot beat a pandemic with a hammer nor fix inflation or unemployment or pollution with one. You must have as many tools as possible - Chinese perfected the toolkit of government over thousands of years. Sophisticated people in Chinese government must think Xi is an ignorant lout. I suspect they keep him in place because its better for the people who really run China to have a useful idiot as a puppet than to go through the uncertainties of replacing him - more or less how they handled the Kim regime in North Korea until lately. Putin and Kim collaborating on Ukraine must have really angered China which is probably why Chinese are considering sending ‘peace-keeping’ troops to Ukraine. Xi is a pig in a drawing room and the real government is just working around him.
It is hard to tell how much of the reportage about Xi is ‘smoke and mirrors’. I recently saw a viral report on Reddit and in The Guardian newspaper (probably going around all the news outlets) about Chinese military exercises and some special navy vessels (biggest of their kind! etc) they had which were supposed to provide support for amphibian landings of tanks etc. Every report spins this as ‘China war games is preparation for invading Taiwan - shock!’. I am very sceptical. Xi is apparently the driving force behind sabre-rattling rhetoric against Taiwan and building up PRC military might (his new bigger hammer), but I reckon most of Chinese government are not interested in a war with anyone least of all Taiwan - I think they expect to recover Taiwan eventually, by peaceful means, and are happy if it takes a century cos that long timescale is how Chinese think. So, given this split between Xi and the rest, I have the sense this whole media story is just a performance - whether it is to fool the world about China’s military aggressiveness (advertising Xi’s policy) or is some part of Chinese administration doing this to fool Xi he’s still in charge (covert anti-Xi policy), I cannot tell. I just don’t have enough facts to judge what these military manouvres tell us about Chinese government or, on the bigger scale, what real difference it would make if Xi was not around.
We (in UK) get 24/7 coverage of Trump’s idiocies but not real information on other political leaders. I am European and I could not name five European political leaders, let alone predict the outcome if one were assassinated. As for politics in rest of globe, I am just clueless for the most part but I do try to educate myself. I have to create my own news feeds because the MSM is worthless.
You’d have power vacuums.
In America it’s not too late. We have a clear succession strategy. It sucks…I think you’d have to pick people off till you got to Rubio to get back to something closer to normal. He’s #4. If you don’t stop there…it gets a lot worse before it gets any better.
China, Russia, and especially Best Korea are so deeply entrenched, I don’t think succession would go as cleanly.
Best Korea?!!
Old meme that North Korea is Best Korea.
Honestly though…Rubio is such a spineless twit, if Trump, Vance, Johnson, and Grassley all got picked off, he’d probably shift so hard to the left he’d make Bernie Sanders look like Ronald Reagan.
When does assassination become an acceptable political strategy?
According to the Supreme Court, it was a presidential option back while Biden was still in office.
Interesting… Thanks for that info. I am a Brit, I wonder what plans our secret services have prepared for different scenarios (Russia, China, North Korea … and now USA). Looks like world is going back to Macchiavelli (if we ever really left).
“Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities.” - Runa Fair-Shield.
The whole of human history is solving a problem which then creates bigger, more complicated problems to solve.
See also: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand
See also see also: The Treaty of Westphalia
Creating bigger problems. Exactly why I ponder if assassination does any good or just recoils on you. But I think that its usefulness is contingent on who kills whom.
I guess that is why there are so few assassinations of elite figures - it threatens the stability that protects the elite so the elite do not assassinate each other.
However, assassinating non-elite people - terrorists and revolutionaries is routine. The elites (governments of nation states, their sub-contractors) have even mechanised assassination by using remote-controlled drone attacks. This stabalises their control.
So, if elites assassinate those that threaten them, it typically works in their favour. But if non-elites do it to elites, does it empower them or not? If it causes chaos and instability amongst the elite, and the chaos spreads to wider society, and does harm to bystanders or even brings about war, is this a price worth paying, or even a good and necessary outcome?
Honestly, I am still struggling with these questions. Part of me thinks ‘sauce for goose, sauce for gander’ and the tyrants deserve to die by their own methods turned back on them. Another part of me knows war is terrible, especially for ‘ordinary people’ and for the environment, and should be avoided. But there is such a thing as ‘a just war’ and armed struggle can be morally good or even our duty.
So, I go back and forth.
Biggest problem is that all of these people that you and me consider assholes do have a huge support. It’s not like a dictator can be a dictator without any support.
I agree with you but I got side-tracked because of the way my childish mind thinks and started chuckling to myself as I imagined an enormous ‘dictator’s support’. The Trump Truss (patent pending). I am visualising something Steampunk style with polished brass, gears and levers, and puffs of steam - a bit like the walking house in Howl’s Moving Castle but bolted around the Tangerine nethers. Cheered me up!
Whatever gets everybody the closest to no violence, including systemic, is best.
A world at peace, true peace based on justice and happiness not enforced by oppression and brainwashing, is my hope. It’s what humans need. It’s what I need :-) I would prefer democracy, votes, laws, regulations, social norms all coming together to deliver that. Right now, it is others who are ‘moving fast and breaking stuff’ so my puzzle is how to slow 'em down and mend stuff before it goes too far to save anything good. Can I do that without violence or not? I prefer not but is it my choice? I am not the powerful one here, it’s the guys with guns and nukes who are running this show, and they seem hell-bent on violence. Do I let them roll over me or take a stand, however token? I am old enough to remember Tiananmen Square protests and that guy standing in front of a column of tanks asking the soldiers to go back to barracks and not brutalise peaceful protesters. I witnessed the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests. I ask myself have I the guts to do as much? Will I be a coward and let the tanks roll? Just being honest and thinking aloud. And worried, very worried, about where things are headed.
I think when Julius Ceasar was assassinated it turned the republic into an empire, IIRC. Might need more people to go to avoid some shit like emperor Vance.
Sigh… I dunno anymore man. What insane times.
Beware the Ides of March, huh?
If I recall, Shakespeare’s Caesar says to Antony:
*Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.*
Trump certainly has plenty of fat men around him. I just thought it was a coincidence rather than a strategy but maybe he has some well-read people in his security team? Nah, on reflection, I think it’s just a coincidence.
The big problem is the state which has such extreme power.
The big part that makes those states work is default compliance, which allows that state to commit violence using everyone who complies (which is everyone by default). Individuals being non-compliant directly translates to power being syphoned away from the state. This is why morality and ethics education are so Important, as the state cannot do anything immoral if individuals refuse to do immoral actions. The second most important thing is transparency, since states utilize opacueness as a means to obfuscate the morality of actions. This is one reason why dense hierarchies are utilized in governments - to obfuscate actions and provide personal deniability to members of the state infrastructure.
Very clear statement, very helpful, thank you. I think you are correct in your analysis. I know that one reason I play video games is to help myself become aware of my ‘ethics’ (derived originally from my Roman Catholic childhood and still full of that mentality despite decades of ‘personal development’ and consciously trying to break free from false religiosity) and to start questioning them. I am a vegan, literally avoid hurting insects let alone humans. I recoil from violence … and it makes me easy to abuse and exploit. I have been trodden on all my life one way or another because I am too ‘nice’ - I am not a Christian but I still ‘turn the other cheek’.
I play Skyrim and one story arc allows you to be an assassin who eventually assassinates the Emperor which, as a republican who finds monarchy morally offensive, is fine by me! But before you kill him, you have to kill a list of ‘ordinary’ people and it is hard to justify doing so as most of these targets are just eccentric or annoying rather than political threats deserving of execution on behalf of those they oppress. I struggle to do this mindless killing (which the game presents as a cultish sacrifice on behalf of a ‘daedric’ demi-god and/or service performed for pay/capitalist commodity) and as I play the game I am trying to understand my anxieties about ‘killing’ pixels, and trying to achieve a visceral sense of it being okay to use violence in specific situations, to feel good in myself about using my own power/agency, so I am not constantly second-guessing myself and thus conceding the initiative to others who are bad actors. I do not find it easy.
I am currently playing The Outer Worlds which is explicitly about the act of rebellion or revolution against tyranny. One of the characters revels in killing the evil corporation’s mercenaries. I am like a child, looking on and trying to understand the lessons, trying to imagine feeling the same about the work of liberation. It is ironic that capitalist products are helping me become a revolutionary but everything can be a learning experience and whatever the developers think they are creating, the players make their own experiences.
We have a tendency to think of these problems like mechanical systems, where if you pull one pin, the machine stops. It’s better to consider them like weeds… you have a dandelion in your yard, yes, but there is a field of green flat little plants growing before the first cotton bandit sticks its head up. To deal with a weed infestation, you either need to get every single one, make the environment inhospitable to the weed, or introduce something you want that crowds them out.
One person? Probably not a lot. 1,000 people? Well that’s different.
You can absolutely make a massive difference with just one person. People really underestimate how much importance one leader is…
You do have to worry about the election after any assassination though lol.
You do have to worry about the election after any assassination though
Assassination would just make Trump into a MAGA martyr. They would be riled up and energized.
You would end up with MTG as Vance’s VP or something equally horrid.
I’d rather he die from a heart attack or a lightning strike on the golf course.
Assassination would just make Trump into a MAGA martyr. They would be riled up and energized.
Yes, then the next question is, whom would they rally behind after Trump? We can see a chain of command for the line of presidency, but without Trump, there’d be a power vacuum at the top of his cult. Either it gets filled with an acceptable substitute, or the obligate-followers in his fandom won’t know where to direct their energy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if such a power vacuum created drama. Would Musk still be pulling so many strings in the government if Vance were president? Would he find a way to usurp even more unconstitutional government power, like how he controls DOGE? Would Vance tolerate Musk’s intrusions at all?
Or would his loyalist followers rally behind someone completely different, like a media personality? They’re looking for charisma in a leader, after all, and neither Vance nor Musk have that the way Trump (or someone professionally on TV) does. It’s possible some right-wing boner rises up through the crowd. Then, since Trumpsters naturally orient themselves toward the biggest dick around, he (Trump’s successor would almost certainly be a “he”) would get all their attention.
I have to wonder. P2025 has hit the ground running. Wouldn’t they have a contingency in place for just such an occasion? I’d bet they already have someone up their sleeves for the eventuality of him passing on his own. There is definitely someone up their sleeves for if we have another election. I do think there would be a vacuum. I think it would be short lived. We all suspect the gop is falling in line due to blackmail material. Their relief of the blackmailer being dead would be short lived when they realize he didn’t actually hold the cards. They’d all fall in line behind whoever the back room tells them to.
Or would his loyalist followers rally behind someone completely different
That’s a scary thought. Can you imagine Alex Jones or someone like that taking over control of the MAGAts?
I’m reminded the example of the people’s will and the assassination of Alexander II. One person doesn’t change a system. On the other hand taking out all the billionaire donors that craft a system, well that might be something else. They could just buy a new leader.
If I had a red button to press and it would remove Putin, Trump, Musk, Thiel, Hamas, Netanyahu, or other bad guys, should I press the button? What do you think?
You mean take the current unstable genocidal dictators who are deeply connected with the current political climate and have definite limitations and restraints placed upon them, and replace them with all the associates, wormtongues and ideological puritans that surround these authoritarians and are there simply for the reason to seize any level of control and power that they can?
To say nothing of the lesser-recognized dictators-in-waiting who surround these nations and will look for any opportunity to strike a rival when they’re down.
You may help things, or you may make everything far, far worse. The devil you know and all that. We get hung up on the idea that single individuals control outcomes, when really those people are just the face of a movement or agendas spanning across thousands of people.
Use your red button on the wealthy elite of the world who retain vast surpluses of hoarded (stolen) wealth from billions of people, you would do a lot more good, particularly if that wealth is just lost forever. Better it burn than be used to control populations.
I kind of wonder where the jfk shooter is, if he is doing all right? If he is thinking about going back to active duty…
That reminds me of a news story from a few years back: a series of bank robberies in Germany, Holland, Denmark - all the same modus operandi and all done by white-haired robbers. Interpol (international police force) said they thought it was elderly members of 1970s terrorist organisations like Bader-Meinhoff gang stealing money because they had no retirement pensions as they destroyed their state records when young/had no savings accounts/criminal records etc and had to find some way to pay for elder care. It just paints an hilarious picture in my mind: Zimmer-frame Zapatas!
Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby a long time ago.
I know you’re making a joke.
What the fuck is this comment bro? Killing people is wrong. Trying to use videogame logic as your excuse is disgusting.
Killing people is wrong.
TIL the allies of WW2 are evil.
Sure, the Japanese invaded my ancestral homeland, done the horrible massacre in Nanjing, but “killing people is wrong” so I guess my ancestors shouldn’t have fought back and let them slaughter my people?
So you hate them so much you became like them? Flawless logic bro.
You’re right. My ancestors are evil, and they shouldn’ve just kneel to the japanese imperialists and accepted their place as inferior to the japanese people. /s
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Yes, it is. So when there is someone going out to kill a large number of people, what should we do about it?
I think we have to explore moral questions. I think it immoral to just refuse to think. It is wrong to simply assert ‘killing people is wrong’ instead of arguing a case. Games, imaginary scenarios, give us laboratories in which to test out our ideas without hurting anyone.
Like you, I am very reluctant to harm any sentient being. But is it always wrong? Example of a thought experiment: you are passenger on an airplane, a terrorist hijacks the plane, says he is going to fly it into a hospital and kill thousands of people. You just came out of the rest room and are behind him, he has not realised you are there, you could jump him but he has a gun, you might have to wrestle for the gun, and he, or you, or a bystander might get killed. What do you do? If you must never kill, then you must not take the risk of killing him, or yourself, or a bystander while you wrestle so you just have to let him fly the plane into the hospital and kill thousands. Or you might argue it is morally better to act, risk killing someone rather than do nothing, and as a result thousands die.
For thousands of years (probably far longer) humans have asked themselves ‘what if…?’ questions. We did this with stories around the camp fire, with theatre, with novels, with radio, movies, t.v., cartoons, comic books. Now we do it with video games. Speculating and questioning and debating is how we develop moral views. This is how humans do human. This is the way we got to having courts of law to argue cases, democratic institutions to argue over what is best government. Asking a question is not immoral. Refusing to ask questions is - those who do not think for themselves, often have their thinking done for them by others, and that is at best infantalising, a refusal to do adult, and at worst a form of willing slavery. That’s my view.
Yes, Jan 6 murders were very wrong. Tesla vandals are morally superior, I agree wholeheartedly.
so this will make things cheaper, right? right?
At least the article calls it for what it is: A purge.
Will the Americans ever wake up and look around?
Our best bet right now is acceleration.
The administration is trying to boil the frogs slowly enough that people forget their discomfort and worry, so people get used to being without services like social security or medicare slowly enough that America just keeps running but with less benefits for the citizens and more prosperity for the wealthy.
If the administration moves too fast, people will connect the dots and associate their discomforts with the presidency, and there will be popular movements to oust leadership, peaceful or otherwise.
What you’re likely going to see happen soon is an “economic stimulus” check program with Trump and Musk’s names on checks sent to every American to try to get people to associate them with wealth again. Stick everyone with a 3k - 5k check, while stripping us of tens of thousands of dollars in benefits a year. And it will likely work amazingly well, because our population has memories of goldfish.
So we want them to make more stupid moves faster, we want more people to feel the pain of losing public sector jobs and services, we want chaos and recession and consequence, that is the only way American people will move.
Weakest weinie ever…
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Then we would have eyeliner wearing Venereal Disease Vance and he’s just as worse!! It’s an “evil vs evil” situation and the only people who lose are the American people who tried to change the narrative! I legit feel like I am walking in real time through some “Idiocracy” film set watching for Luke Wilson to pop out and say JK, but NOPE… here we are! :/
Trump is only successful because he holds a coalition of wacko together with his personality cult. Vance does not have that cult following. He would not be able to hold the coalition together. One of Trumps kids might be able to, but they’ve all been pushed aside by Musk. Musk can’t take the reigns because he is an immigrant. If Trump goes. the whole thing quickly falls apart.
Thank you for this comment! 100% agree! (He is a multi unsuccessful businessman). This is a straight up cult mentality and GOP voters won’t know until it affects them! (Which it is but wayyy too late). They already chose ‘Good vs Evil’ and sadly we all have to suffer! I honestly hope ever Drumpf supporter feels the wrathX100! I honestly will not even bat a damn eye at them! Savage!
I had a Drumpf supporter living by my house (Drumpf signs, stickers, etc.), and just in the last month lost his job and put up his house for sale!!!😂 SORRY NOT SORRY! They CHOSE that and NO ONE is to blame but them for their votes! So, I honestly have 0% of sympathy for them! 🖕🏼
But I love that comment because Venereal Disease Vance does not have the same following! Thank god!!!
Also even if Musk is able to find another puppet it’ll be notable smaller than Trump’s. Musk cultists generally align with STEM weirdos no offense to folks in STEM but I’m sure you folks are familiar with the types I’m talking about.
You mean the business majors who think they’re an engineer because they spent a year majoring in engineering? Jk yeah I know these morons, they’re all throughout stem and if they see any value in the humanities it’s them being really into philosophy but like in the same way some salespeople are really into tech, ie lacking comprehension or context.
Also why is it always some fucked up bastardization of Stoicism? Why can’t it be Cynicism or fucking Bellicose philosophy it’s always fucking bastardized Stoicism.
Probably because they think of it as manly logical philosophy. I always liked stoicism because it helps with my panic attacks and it’s always weird hearing these guys talk about it. But also bad stoicism doesn’t challenge them, it doesn’t ask them to reconsider their actions, or to reevaluate anything. It merely says to be tough.
And in that vein it isn’t just bad stoicism. Some of them get into neitzche or get really into egoism and do that about as well as their goddess Ayn Rand.
They just want to hear that they’re smart and special and should be in charge.
Failed last time. Unfortunately. I cannot wait to see that he died.
Oh, the publicity stunt you mean?
You think the assassination attempt was fake?..
I think, at the very least, it was over exaggerated.
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So trump just claimed a shooter was killed? That’s ludicrous
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I promise you, he will execute the 3 former Democrat presidents, before he goes total-war against Canada.
Biden, Obama, & Clinton, he will have executed.
This is just a minor escalation in the way of his Purge, this ISN’T anywhere-near what it is going to be, in less than 3y.
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I would really like them to try, they are toeing a line right now because Trump and his closest people aren’t there for ideological reasons, they’re just trying to make a recession happen so they can all gobble up devalued assets and blame biden or trans kids or something. The outliers are the Millers and Bannons who tried before and will try again to assert an ideological presence to bring about the Fourth Reich, but their hold isn’t as strong as the oligarchs who just want money and security for their business empires.
You don’t sustain a business empire when popular political figures are getting jailed, much less if they’re being executed. That would signal the beginning of the actual overthrow of Democracy and if they do it too fast, that would immediately trigger massive popular uprisings and they would lose a lot of control. As it is, the donor-class is looking at the administration right now with a LOT of apprehension about current market destabilization.
Capital doesn’t want instability, and would rather go back to a country of rules and regulations than see the entire market literally burn to the ground, so we would see a sudden and dramatic tone shift in politics broadly, we would see media channels turn on Trump’s administration instantly, we would see prominent republicans in house and senate suddenly start forming opposition groups, we would see impeachment.
Let us make no mistakes about what’s happening. There are people who do indeed want to turn America into a monarchy and they have longer-term plans to do so, and may succeed, but they want it WITH the wealth and prosperity that we have now, they don’t want a banana republic, they just want a really big class-divide so they can have while we have-not.
He won’t, at least one person in his administration knows that’s a fast track to civil war. We didn’t love those leaders dearly, but we recognize that they did their duty more or less honorably and patriotically. They are much more useful to Trump as scapegoats than martyrs.
What a fucking child.
Hillary Clinton must be happy for platforming Trump in 2016.
😆 I hope you’re all legally armed and proficient.