But sometimes you meet people who you never see again. That brain space could be used for Vim keybindings.
Hello Jarvis!
When I was around 20yo, I spent a summer with a new group of friends pretending I knew everyone’s names. It was anxiety hell. Today, I realize that I can just admit that I forget names and ask and it’s no problem. But that was an interesting summer.
When I first started work I was in shop where there were three Bills, two Phil’s and two Neil’s . I never ever worked out who was who.
Bro, homie, dawg, phil
It’s easy to go years without knowing names, better if you don’t use that last one
Bro, homie, dawg, phil
Phil and Phil (both whirling angrily to acknowledge you): “WHAT?!”
Seems a little early…
The only reason you need to know someone’s name is to talk about them behind their back.
Excellent point, if you’re just 1 on 1 with someone you dont need their name except to talk about them with someone else.
I’m always terrible with names but they do come in handy
Hey,who’s working ____'s shift Thursday?
Who do I need to talk to in HR?
who makes the schedule?
Ask ___ if they can cover your shift.
Email ____ for me and see if they have a copy of that report.
Can you tell ___ to come see me.
Or to show that you paid attention to anything they said about themselves and didn’t just wait your turn to talk. You know, basic social etiquette lol
basic social etiquette lol
in other words, forced and unnatural and unnecessary behavior that is just a parasite eating your lifetime and energy
it’s called living in a society but ok?
Reject society, embrace raiding Anglo-Saxons with the homies.
An energy vampire you say…
It’s happened to me a few times over the years, but if anything it’s an opportunity to think up a nickname. Sometimes they stick and all.
Oh thank god its not just me.
most names are made-up anyways, and i can’t remember made-up stuff. there has to be something profound about it or i forget it
actually i have adopted a hobby of just giving people new names (yeah i know it could be seen as disrespectful but for me it’s just a normal way of doing things) and then calling them by that name. yes, it has led to confusion in the past. but it just feels like the proper thing to do. (yes you can call me weird and no i won’t take it as an insult.)
also, there’s this weird phenomenon that when i make up a new name for somebody, somehow that’s much easier to remember. and if i do forget and make up a new name again, that new name will often be the same as the first time. so there seems to be something “recognizable” or “fundamental” about it.
Once sat at the same table as another guy in high school every weekday for six months. We traded less than ten words in that time. Later we became great friends.
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so relatable, i call everyone “dude” or “man”.
i think names are an exception and only reserved for rare occurrences. honestly, i wouldn’t mind if people didn’t have names in general. just call everyone “child” “man” or “hey you” depending on their appearance. names are a weird concept to me. it’s not natural that people have names, i guess.
A month? I’ve known guys for years and still don’t know their names and it is WAY too late to ask.
That’s when you figure out a reason to hand them a clipboard and say, “Imma need you to sign in.”
This is not correct. We wait until someone else says their name.
For real. Came into work for six months and talked to this dude about a bunch of stuff every time. Only a week ago did I find out his name. Now I can finally say his name instead of starting off with “hey bro”
At least you remember names. Someone can tell me their name, I’ll repeat it as suggested, forget it a few days later anyway.
I’ll remember a phone number before someone’s name.
Hell, I remember one dude as initials + his age when I met him. I don’t know why. Example: If I met John Doe aged 32, there’s a chance I’d remember him as “JD32”, and forget his actual name.
Shout-out to MK22, I forgot your name again.I sometimes make a note with someone’s name and brief description that sticks to me.
I just remember faces for 20 years, no clue about their names.
I have a friend who has a lot of friends. Sometimes we hangout together, but rarely. I cannot for the life of me remember their names and I swear 3 of them look the fucking same to me. It’s always a struggle to keep pretending for hours until I finally hear someone call one of them by name. I remember that for a few hours. If we hangout again next day it resets out of my head again.
Could you possibly have face blindness?
Meet my friends R2D2 and C3P0
As long as you didn’t meet anyone named Martin Swanson at age 13…
it’s been 5yrs since I knew my neighbor. we still just call each other neighbor. we hang out at least once a week.
Tim Allen is that you?