Having really dry skin does not help with grip.
That’s true.
That’s not true
That’s true!
Less slip with dry skin though. Put moisturizer on and try to open a tight jar and you’ll need to squeeze harder to prevent your hand from slipping
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There’s definitely a sweet spot for moisture, the skin is most grippy when well hydrated. But when you have a fresh application of lotion it’s acting more as a lubricant between your hand and the lid.
I think you could compare your skin to cloth, dry it’ll skid across the floor easily, wet it and it’ll cling to the floor and move no further than precisely as far as you push it.
I read somewhere that for some reason grip strength is one of the only muscle groups where the Bell curves of male strength vs. female strength has essentially zero overlap. It was something like “the weakest 2% of men have stronger grip strength than 98% of women,” or maybe even more extreme. IDK, I can’t remember the source and I can’t be bothered to look for it on a Saturday morning, but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
I hand my rock climber sister in law jars to open all the time lol
You’re both in your respective 1%
Well crap. Now I want to train my grip strength.
Here’s a source for that claim. I didn’t realize the difference was so huge! https://www.gnxp.com/WordPress/2017/05/04/in-grip-strength-a-woman-in-the-90th-percentile-would-be-at-the-10th-percentile-for-men/
I looked it up. It’s pretty interesting! I suggest others Google it as well.
No links? ☹️
I was way too lazy for that when I did it, but I can tell you that I googled “grip strength men and women” and found some interesting facts. Not exactly what the original comment said but very fascinating nonetheless.
Edit: here’s one of the results which I cannot speak to the legitimacy of.
If women had the same grip strength as men, there’d be a lot more penile injuries in the world.
Imagine if they could control it.
It’s not quite that dramatic from what I can see, but I wouldn’t be surprised if studies have been done that found that distribution.
It’s hard to account for social factors inherent in this, too. Like, how do we account for men being more encouraged to develop grip strength muscles than women? Men are much more likely, from young childhood, to be encouraged to perform many different kinds of strenuous physical activity. Women are discouraged from performing those same activities (also from childhood) and are also very heavily pressured towards eating less and being/appearing weaker.
This social influence definitely has a real tangible impact on how people’s muscle strength develops. Due to its essentially all-encompassing nature (there’s not really any man/woman in society who is entirely free from societal pressure) it’s hard to tell to what degree this discrepancy is influenced by external factors instead of biological circumstances. That is, how can we test this accurately when half the participants have been discouraged from building muscle mass and grip strength all their lives?
Testosterone exposure definitely has a real impact, but the idea that the weakest 2% of men have stronger grip strength than 98% of women is doubtful. A study may have been done that had those findings, but I’d question the methodology used and be interested to see what their sample size and demographic makeup were.
The distribution is not that extreme but it’s still very skewed. This is one of the areas where the anatomy of men and women seem to really differ.
This still suffers from an unaddressed element of external factors. Including 60 participants who are athletes does not undo social pressures. Those athletes are still and were subject to social pressures throughout their childhood and adolescence. The same could be said for the men in the study as well. They were still disproportionately encouraged towards activities that would build grip strength.
There are other studies showing a more moderate bell curve overlap (closer to 50% of men studied have stronger grip strength than all women studied). I’d be interested to see data aggregated from different nations comprising individuals from similar age and height ranges across different continents. Taking a bunch of people still within western society as your sample base does, well, nothing to account for the inherent influence of western society on women.
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It’s because we’re always grabbing things. Our own dingalings, boobies, booties. Werkin that grip.
We also regularly train grip strength. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Can confirm, left hand has greater strength
Remember ladies, Jars are similar to tars, so simple xvf would be enough
Instructions unclear; rolled the jar into a jarball.
Jars are actually zips, so a simple as an unzip *.zip
Unzip sounds like harassment
It’s all about that grippy texture. Just put on some rubber dishwashing gloves.
If you have oven mitts with rubber on them, those work too. Mousepads also work in a pinch (do people use mousepads anymore?)
What’s a mouse, grampa?
Get off my lawn.
Quit flying that drone over my lawn.
Quad Copter Kids ruining my lawn
It’s a thing real computers that can actually be used to create things (as opposed to tablets and phones which can only be used to consoom) still have and will always have.
What is a “computer”? I only know my iPad and fruit ninja
Desk mat gang represent
Rubber bands are my go to.
Rubber bands are well known to the photography crowd to take filters off, but they do work to unscrew all kinds of things.
Even as a guy i do that. Why work harder when grippy rubber makes it easy? I used to use rubber bands but some kids lids are too big, so dishwashing gloves are the best
I usually just take some cloth. If it doesn’t work, I use a knife to let some air through and that does the trick.
Can’t get a good grip if you’re bone dry either.
Half an hour in the tub gives frog grip bonus
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i cover all my jars in lotion. keeps things challenging and it means i never forget to lotion up
Also eases insertion.
bonk me daddy
Bullshit, we do use moisturizer.
Sure, boy.
Not sure if sarcastic racism or toxic masculinity.
or just played too much hades
Or not enough God of War
Racism? Someone’s head is full of shit lol.
It kinda sounds like both y’all are.
You crackers should Google what “ashy” means and why it’s a thing
You know white people get the exact same thing, it’s just not visible? Jfc lol
If you think “ashy” is just having the dry skin and not having it be immediately visible because of skin tone, fair enough. You’d be wrong, but understandably so, and that still doesn’t have anything to do with running around putting some weird emphasis on “boy.”
No, it isn’t. “Boy” used to be the term of address for non-white male servants, regardless of age, or any non-white male, regardless of age.
Ah yes, of course, that’s the meaning that makes sense in the context of this conversation, not the actual one!
Are you being intentionally dense? Are you simply like this? Or are you just a poor excuse for a troll?
You think that I’m racist because under a meme about men not moisturizing their hands I joked that boys do, yet I am dense? Lol. Like I said, someone’s head is full of shit. Tell me, boy, is God of War a racist game?
No, skin condition.
Might also have something to do with having, on average, twice the grip strength… but who knows.
I put a 1/4" layer of moisturizer on my hands before bed and then put gloves on. I can still open jars because of the testosterone.
I put the gloves on first
That… that’s not how it works!
That is exactly how it works.
Don’t listen to them, they’re just a shill for big moisturiser!
You got a big guy called Lenny working for you?
I did, but he pet the puppies too hard.
You wear gloves when you sleep?
Yeah, when my hands are really dry during the winter. They’re just cotton gloves made specifically for use with moisturizer.
I could never do that. I aborre the feeling of moist skin touching cloth. Lotion on feet with socks is my nightmare.
I resorted to extreme measures when my hands were deeply cracked in a dozen places and getting blood all over my sheets.
Fair enough. I would probably suck it up and do it if it was that bad.
Interesting. Thank you
well, I’ll have you know that the palms of my hands are very moist
So apparently if you smack it all around the sides of the lid with a spoon or something, you can loosen the vacuum seal.
It sounds fake but it worked the other night on a jar of salsa I was legitimately considering just breaking, and I’m still kinda mad that I never knew that til now.
Hot water on the lid expands it a bit too.
I usually BONK the side of the lid against the table.
I just insert something long and thin (usually a knife) between the lid and the glass rim, then gently lift just until the pressure is released. Probably doesn’t cause the lid to mis-shape as much as from bashing it 😅
I don’t, even though it’s a good idea, because it requires an extra tool. BONK just requires raw power!
That is also a fair point lol
I had to learn this trick to open those goddamned Talenti pints that are vacuum sealed for no damn reason and no, I’m not still salty about it, why do you ask?!
Guess you need a bit of Talenti to open those…
If I lose the first round to a jar, I use a bottle opener for that. (Almost) No risk of stressing the glass.
I use that trick all the time and it hasn’t failed me yet
Insert the end of a cutlery knife between the rim of the glass jar and lid from below. Give it a tiny wiggle, and the jar will pop open. At least if it’s stuck because of a vacuum.
If that didn’t work, poke a tiny hole in the lid with a sharp object to break the vacuum, but please be careful if using a kitchen knife for this! A nail or a screw is probably a safer choice.
You might think that the knife frees the vacuum and that that’s what opens the jar. Lies. You must inflict fear upon the jar with the knife.
Transgender lady here. I have experience on both sides of this.
Testosterone does a lot of interesting things to your body, including making your skin more rough. This includes your fingertips.
Several years after taking HRT, I had problems holding onto things. This wasn’t a matter of grip strength. My fingerprints had lost the pronounced ridging that they used to have. The result was butterfingers; losing grip on anything that wasn’t roughly textured itself. Anything smooth would just fall right out of my hands. And jar lids became suddenly difficult to open.
Both me (compulsively forgets to moisturize), and my wife (moisturized several times a day with hand, body, face lotions) handle most jars with ease.
What gets both of us is little jars. Extracts, or vanilla. Especially alcohol free vanilla! It’s sticky and sticks to the threads of the lid/jar. Even with wiping it down, it’s a problem.
My solution was to wrap the lids in 2242 Electrical tape. Which really helps with getting a grip on it.
Don’t even get me started on old honey bottles
Get started on old honey bottles
You know what? I’m doing it!
You’re never able to get the freaking honey to pour out correctly, so it INEVITABLY gets on and under the lid
Fast forward 3 years to when my forgetful ass remembers I want honey. I go to the pantry and the bit that leaked out has now willed itself into concrete because I’m just standing there, red-faced, in front of my wife, watching her realize how weak of a person I truly am
The madman did it!!!
Wipe the rim with a damp paper towel before closing it
You like damp paper?
Hot water for honey, softens the crystalized honey in the lid.
Bovril lids catch me out. Especially if you spilt some over the edge last time you used it. Damn thing is practically superglued shut. Even I have to break out the marigolds for that.
I had to search out two separate words in your post. 🇱🇷
(I’m not Liberian, but if I’m going to admit to the “dumb american” trope, I might as well embrace the full caricature - that U.S. citizens keep picking the Liberian flag emoji instead of their own.)
For others: Bovril is like marmite/vegemite, except it’s based on beef. I’m assuming it’s similar to concentrated beef stock paste. Marigolds is a manufacturer of kitchen gloves.
Yes we do. Only when you’re not watching.